Our community came up with some fantastic startup messages for the device's display during the Mystery Vape Message Contest, and I'm thrilled to tap into our collective creativity once again. So tell us in 40 characters or less: If the Herbalizer was a fortune cookie, what would it say?
- Grand prize (1) A brand new Limited Edition Herbalizer
- Runner ups (12) $100 Herbalizer rebate or a $70 store credit, plus a Vape Like a Boss T-shirt.
- The top 13 entries will be encoded in the non-Limited Edition startup messages and forever prominently displayed.
Rules and Guidelines
- Entries must be 40 characters or less including letters, numbers, commas, periods, hyphens, apostrophes, exclamation marks, question marks, and spaces.
- Entry deadline is April 21 (for those chronically late), 2014 .
- No mention of paraphernalia or illicit substances.
- Multiple entries are welcome.
- Grand prize winner must be a Canadian or U.S. resident due to current sales constraints.
- Runner up prizes may be kept until usable by international members
- Fortunes tell the future... but they don’t have to
- Hint: the Herbalizer crew loves content that is relevant to Herbie!
- Rules may change at any time with no notice.
Winner selection will be similar to last time. All entries will be reviewed by five people (The Herbalizer team, myself and ToBeNominated). After the contest ends the reviewers will each submit their top 15 favorite entries, for a total of up to 75 Top Picks. Each reviewer will then score each one on a 1-5 scale. Scores will added and the 13 Top Picks with the most points are all winners! One of the winners will be then chosen at random for the Grand Prize, the Limited Edition Herbalizer.
Have fun!

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