Hi again TheDundertaker,
Don't mention it, it's a pleasure.
Would you recommend your herbalaire (2.1-.2) right off the bat?
Not the v2.1 as there was a noticeable, euh... Well, i didn't like how the thermocouple was held in place, but this has been corrected with v2.2 nonetheless.
It works better with ~ .3 g when aroma/taste is Paramount, though there are more intense ways to experience some good cannabic appreciation: the fire of power, which is something else, e.g. because of the time-compressed session an HA can hardly provide at all (remember, i used to cause my HA v2.1 timer to flash!)...
...in terms of conservation...
Conservation can sound confusing because nothing left unnattend for a while in my HA v2.1 oven was spared the effect of being bombarded by conductive/radiative heat between inhalations (convective)... My spent material wasn't worth reclaiming anyway, unless a guy likes tar and cauldron reminescence!
So you see it's like a locomotive in terms of extraction and hence bag mode is where it shines best i believe; once started it won't stop easily but this is a non-issue with balloons!
There's little cause for concerns if you like to vape relaxed, long & slow. Bag or even some selected whip...
...i heard you dont even grind up your nugs in the herbalaire

, could i grind out of preference?
It's all true, everything goes out anyway but you may prefer sooner than later. I often prefered to grind myself...
Using my modded glass wand i could even choose between sucking the shreaded material directly into my glass bowl or just fill the aluminium crucible before i slip i on. When it's not in the bowl from the start it climbs into the bowl during inhalations and gradually collects there, which means there are nuances added into the basic ritual, eventually. One more good reason to add accessories to a versatile platform IMO.
Good day, have fun!