Discontinued herbalAire


Phish Head
..I'm still impatiently waiting on the GonG Adapter. How were you able to obtain them already? I had been keeping in touch with PV, & what not. :argh::goon:


Well-Known Member
I only got the one because it was their first "failed prototype" in their words. They had just finished finalizing the new versions and waiting on receiving them when I got mine so they apparently didn't need it anymore. I just happened to inquire about it via email at just the right time. It was funny because the guy from PV had to actually add the GonG adapter to inventory for me to add it, and I was kinda nervous somebody else would quickly snag it up ahead of me :)

The new version has an integral metal screen as there were issues with the glass frit being both too expensive and too restrictive/hard to keep clean. They told me they'd be available in a couple weeks and that was a little over a week ago, so I bet any day now. They did say they were going to make new versions a tad smaller after my breakage incident, so maybe there's a chance they are holding back what would have been available inventory to make the change? No way to know, sorry to anybody if I caused more delay, but I may have also saved some herbalaires from breaking apart too. But somebody else last page had one so maybe they shipped a few from the first batch already...

I plan to get an 18 and a 14mm version.


Phish Head
I was told basically the same thing you were, by PV. Few pages back in the thread, I had the breaking news that the adapters were officially up on PV's website for sale..but were "out of stock". I had inquired when they would be in stock, & chatted with a rep. for a bit. They had recently gotten a hold of the prototype(likely the one that you received, the fritted glass, with additional drilled holes), & tried it out. It worked great & fit like a glove (as shown in your video), but they had to ditch the fritted screen design due to airflow restriction & costs. I am not sure whether they will be offering the SS screen only, or if they do intend to have a 'glass' screen version as well. Would probably work well if they used a 'glass-screen' that resembled the basic 4-hole design of the Solo stems..IMO. I would def. prefer that, over the SS screen which is basically the 'turbo' version of their Solo stem, incorporated into an HA adapter. They likely will be offering the Turbo(SS screen) & Glass(aka Solo 4-hole). :love:
I hope I can obtain one(err..multiple) very soon! I too plan on 14mm & 18mm, as well as a 'shorty' perhaps. Ictus, how do you feel about the SS version compared to the glass screen, performance wise? I don't think you demonstrated using that one, only the drilled/fritted. I personally find that the herbalAire doesn't require grinding my herbs prior to being used, & this is one of the main reasons my HA has become my 'go-to' vape. I'm hoping this will still hold true when using one of the adapters. Did you try the adapter without grinding? Arrggg.. I really want these to be available. :rant: :nope: :spidey:


Well-Known Member
Woot.... last night I got in the replacement herbalaire that PlanetVape sent me :)

They are also going to send me the updated slightly smaller GonG adapter whenever they get them.

For now, I used the adapter but used it in combination with the metal crucible. I basically used the GonG adapter just sitting on top of the crucible, so it was barely going down past the Teflon top piece, and then used my Cloud hydratube and dry mouth piece to hit it (my cloud is currently also broken :( ) . It worked really nicely like that, although there was a bit of wobble because the adapter didn't go in far. But it worked with the HA still in the usual orientation.

I agree about the no-grind. I swear a straight nug smashed into the HA gets me almost 2x as baked as the same amount of weed ground up in any vaporizer. I was smoking a LOT last night out of the inhalator. That vape is one of my favorites and gets me pretty high by itself, but after smoking 1.5-2 grams out of the INH last night (alot I know, around 4 capsules), I smoked another 0.5 of a full nug out of the HA and it took my high to a completely different level. The kind I only usually get from bong hits...

*edit* I did try the adapter with no grinding before and it worked ok, but I didn't do much back-n-forth to compare before my breakage incident, so I can't really answer your question yet. The way I'm using it now doesn't really apply since I'm not putting anything in the adapter.


Salutations ictus,

...I got in the replacement...

I have a question about how HerbalAire should prevent such incidents in the future.


Looking at the top teflon piece (right side) isn't it clear that a simple "Key Registration" mechanism linking it to its surrounding black casing would have prevented any rotation in the first place?

Even better: can't mechanical displacements be avoided just by using a teflon part with some irregular contour instead?!

E. G. a star for the next revision would be great!...


Also, while i'm at it... Since teflon appears to conduct heat way much better than ceramic, for example, i wish HerbalAire could insert a layer of such heat-insulating material between the metal assembly and its teflon termination: structural use of teflon makes sense in this particular application but i'm forced to conclude the thermal aspects of their present solution remains quite perfectible, obviously.

How about mica?...

...and a glass complement with its end contained by HA's crucible, of course.

...used it in combination with the metal crucible.

That's the part i'm nost interested in, please keep it comming until your efforts are matched with success - and lets not forget posting a few detailed snapshots to document it all if possible!!

Is there any way to get a thicker whip for the herbalaire? I have been dying for a thicker whip since the one it uses is so damn thin.


Technical Skeptical


Higher, Higher, Baby...
As previously stated I was going to go with the Herbalaire as my choice of desktop home vape.
My birthday is tomorrow and I am getting anxious on making my choice so it got me second guessing if I should just get a cloud with a nice mobius glass piece. (Rather then the herbalaire and mobius) There is only two things preventing me from pulling the trigger, 1. Planetvapes GonG adapter not being in stock (they told me this week), and 2. there is no mobius glass in stock that I want. :\

For persons with the Herbalaire that use glass.

What would you rate on a scale of 1-10 on taste, thickness of vapor (milk), and efficiency overall?

Also if you have a Cloud feel free to compare the two units with the above mentioned categories.


Notmy Well-Known Member
As previously stated I was going to go with the Herbalaire as my choice of desktop home vape.
My birthday is tomorrow and I am getting anxious on making my choice so it got me second guessing if I should just get a cloud with a nice mobius glass piece. (Rather then the herbalaire and mobius) There is only two things preventing me from pulling the trigger, 1. Planetvapes GonG adapter not being in stock (they told me this week), and 2. there is no mobius glass in stock that I want. :\

For persons with the Herbalaire that use glass.

What would you rate on a scale of 1-10 on taste, thickness of vapor (milk), and efficiency overall?

Also if you have a Cloud feel free to compare the two units with the above mentioned categories.

ha, cloud
taste 6-7, 9+
thickness of vapes 6-8, 8-9
efficiency 9+, 7-8

the ha has always worked since day 1 (2+yrs) - 100% dependable. i will (hopefully) soon be on my third vxc (in less than 1 year) - i have been waiting since jan to get my warranty replacement. 1-3 weeks is the normal turnaround plus shipping time.

the cloud is a better vape for me because i like the higher temps it can reach, it produces a few big clouds with very little, when its paired with a wemo its always ready and is the quickest way to medicate. otherwise the heatup time is a buzzkill. the vxc doesn't seem to work with a lot of glass without an adaptor.

the ha is limited to 400f, produces a lot of little clouds with very little, heats up in 3-4 min, works well with the majority of glass without an adaptor. i would like to try pv's new glass adaptor - not really sure if it will improve the performance of the ha, or if it will just improve my impression of the perfomance of the ha.

for me the ha is the best backup for the vxc because it does a better job of mimicking all the features i like about the vxc, than any other vape i have tried. i will never sell my ha!


Higher, Higher, Baby...
Thanks for the information and ratings. I went ahead and got myself the HA 2.1 that was in the classifieds. You say that it only reaches to 400F, which concerns me because the Pax even goes up to 410F. You say it will create many little clouds, so by little you mean not as thick, less dense clouds? Whats the heat time for a cloud? My Pax heats up in 1 minute. :p

Im excited to use the Ha with my infamous though. Do I need something to connect to it?:hmm:


Phish Head
For persons with the Herbalaire that use glass.
What would you rate on a scale of 1-10 on taste, thickness of vapor (milk), and efficiency overall?
Also if you have a Cloud feel free to compare the two units with the above mentioned categories.

I exclusively use my vaporizers with glass/water-filtration. The only exception is when using a portable &/or out-&-about. I love BOTH my HA2.2 & Cloud. They are quite different tho, especially when it comes to price/durability/ease/anxiety-during-use*(personal problem I guess). My HA is much 'easier' to use, no grinders required, & virtually little/no maintenance & worry. Not needing to treat my vape like a newborn child, is a huge + for my situation. When I have the Cloud out/running, it means I will definitely be soaking/cleaning ELBs like a madman, & have to be 'careful' about the immediate environment with so many fragile & expensive toys out in the open.
I have a home-made GonG adapter, & it is not as good as the official PV ones will be(functionally). It still produces fabulous/tasty/dense vapor from my bubbler(we can use my mobius in this example), & simply adores the CloudBuddy adapter.
I have, more times than I can count, sesh'd with my HA GonG while my Cloud was sitting out ready to go. The Cloud is the tits; I do not dare try to convince myself otherwise..for I would be lying to myself. However, the HA2.2 is one of the most versatile & user-friendly vapes I have come across. The GonG adapter raises the bar to a whole new level. Pull the trigger on the HA, you can always get a CLOUD down the road, once all the "problems" have been sorted out. [by problems, I am NOT saying the VXC is flawed in any manner. It is fabulous:nod: ! I mainly am referring to the problems that are currently being smoothed out, which any new company could/would run into. I :love:VapeXhale & the VX team).
Also, acquiring the HA first would be MUCH cheaper, & allow you to start collecting more GLASS! :clap: This glass accumulation would come in handy no matter what you decide in the future, but if your future seems CLOUDy you will most DEFINITELY be glad you have lots of glass already. ....since VXC ownership = G.A.S. ^10 :freak:

(on a scale of 1 to 10): Thickness/Density/Milk: HA-7.2 Cloud-9.9​
Efficiency: HA-9.1 Cloud-8.1​
Taste: HA-6.9 Cloud-11(!)
Overall[not avg.]: HA-8.5 Cloud-9.6​
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Higher, Higher, Baby...
While not the 2.2 I did pull the trigger on the 2.1. What is the difference honestly?

I definitely will be looking forward to CLOUDy days in my future lol but for the time being I will laughing, HA!

Also thanks for the feedback. That taste rating is off the chart!
I do like how everyone says the HA runs and is durable like a tank.


Phish Head
The difference its purely aesthetic; the 2.2 has a revised LED-feedback lighting on the bottom of the unit. Instead of the original RED LEDs, there is a single RGB LED in the bottom of the unit(or top, if inverted!). Personally, I absolutely love the 2.2, because when inverted you literally can see the light change from green(GOOD2GO) to teal, & if you have lungs of a GOD, I guess you could make it turn blue! The LED reflects the temperature of the unit, in relationship to the set-temp. If it's too hot, its red>orange>yellow (then finally green once stable at set temp). If the heater has not heated up, or you are sucking on it like a vacuum cleaner, it goes from blue>teal>seafoam green>'herb green'/'time-2-rock green'. So no worries my friend! It's a *fun* gimmick, but won't be missed if you never had it(the 2.2 that is). 2.1 functions just as well. You will seriously find yourself laughing, at some point, during a sesh once your HA arrives. Hell, I do all the time. :D :rofl::science:
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Higher, Higher, Baby...
NVM i ordered the adapter I needed already. Still just waiting for my Ha to arrive :)
I got rezblock and PBW on the way as well so I can have a clean, fresh experience.
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Notmy Well-Known Member
Thanks for the information and ratings. I went ahead and got myself the HA 2.1 that was in the classifieds. You say that it only reaches to 400F, which concerns me because the Pax even goes up to 410F. You say it will create many little clouds, so by little you mean not as thick, less dense clouds? Whats the heat time for a cloud? My Pax heats up in 1 minute. :p

Im excited to use the Ha with my infamous though. Do I need something to connect to it?:hmm:

the ha's upper temp limit of 400f is a bit of a bummer. i think it would produce even thicker clouds than it already
does if it would go hotter. don't get me wrong, with the right technique you can milk some big pieces!
first, grind your meds,
second, pack the crucible at least half full,
third, place a screen on top of the meds so they can't fall out of the crucible,
fourth, place the crucible in the ha and turn it on to 400f
fifth, begin session once light is amber

i agree with gratefulvapor the ha is pretty easy to use, durable, and a great bang for your buck!

regarding heatup times; before i found the wemo (a wifi device to power cycle the vxc in order to defeat the 1 hour auto shutoff) i could finish a session with a cold ha before the vxc was even ready. the vxc needs at least 10-15 min to be fully heat saturated, whereas, the ha requires only 3 min.

what adaptor did you buy for your bubbler live-n-learn? as far as i can tell you would'nt need one with that bub!?


Higher, Higher, Baby...
WOW 10-15 minutes??? Thats way too long, I hear that they are making a new Cloud or an updated one, hopefully it heats in less then 5 minutes.

Back to topic, do you really want to crush in your HA? I thought it was preferred and designed to take chunks?

Adapter I bought. If I dont need it that would suck but I will probably need it down the line anyway. LOL

All this math and gender selection is confusing. :ugh:
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Notmy Well-Known Member
WOW 10-15 minutes??? Thats way too long, I hear that they are making a new Cloud or an updated one, hopefully it heats in less then 5 minutes.

Back to topic, do you really want to crush in your HA? I thought it was preferred and designed to take chunks?

Adapter I bought. If I dont need it that would suck but I will probably need it down the line anyway. LOL

All this math and gender selection is confusing. :ugh:

yah, the heatup time is a major con for the vxc! i would be surprised if the new cloud heats up any faster.

i prefer to grind everything that goes in my ha. it creates much more surface area, which makes for denser clouds with less pulls. i only use the ha in vapebong mode.

if you blow bags, i don't think it makes a difference whether you grind or not. but a pump is way more efficient than a set of lungs so it doesn't matter if the pump has to pump for an extra 30 seconds to fill up that last bag.

your adaptor will be sitting on your shelf as i don't think you'll need it. it won't fit your bubbler unless you get a low pro reducer anyway. you have a 18mm female joint on your bubbler, and the adaptor only has a 14mm male joint. you should see if you can return it, or exchange it for an 18mm male-18mm female adaptor.


Higher, Higher, Baby...
So I have a few questions for you.

Why is the joint on my bubbler a female? the 18mm size part i get because its bigger then the mouthpiece hole which i think would be 14mm.

Another one would be, I thought the HA fits into a 14mm joint, is that correct?

Once I receive the piece and everything I will confirm/deny if the glass adapter works, and if not I will definitely ask for a swap for the 18mm male - 18mm female adapter.

I will ask you about vapebong mode once I receive my Ha.



Notmy Well-Known Member
think about the physical differences between a male and a female human, and how they fit together during a 'babymaking session', and you'll understand why your adaptor has a male joint and the bubbler has a female joint!

the ha fits perfectly into a 14mm joint; check this out for a perfect vapebong demo, on a 14mm female joint!


Technical Skeptical
the ha's upper temp limit of 400f is a bit of a bummer. i think it would produce even thicker clouds than it already
does if it would go hotter. don't get me wrong, with the right technique you can milk some big pieces!
first, grind your meds,
second, pack the crucible at least half full,
third, place a screen on top of the meds so they can't fall out of the crucible,
fourth, place the crucible in the ha and turn it on to 400f
fifth, begin session once light is amber
It turns red at 400.


Hi there,

...ha's upper temp limit of 400f is a bit of a bummer.

A "boost" button would seem acceptable to me, but first i find the HerbalAire is over-due for a major revision anyway... Not in a big way overall, though i can see a number of aspects requiring attention.

...and i'm ready to bet i'm not alone as well...



Higher, Higher, Baby...
think about the physical differences between a male and a female human, and how they fit together during a 'babymaking session', and you'll understand why your adaptor has a male joint and the bubbler has a female joint!

the ha fits perfectly into a 14mm joint; check this out for a perfect vapebong demo, on a 14mm female joint!

If the HA fits into a 14mm joint, why would a 18mm male to female joint work? I got my adapter and the 18mm side looks huge! the 14mm male side looks like it would fit into the mouthpiece part of my bubbler. Once I get home I will be able to confirm if it fits or not. I dont think it will. But before I ask for a swap I wanna make sure that I swap for the correct one.

This one?

Also, Would the vaporizer itself be considered male or female?


Higher, Higher, Baby...
The difference its purely aesthetic; the 2.2 has a revised LED-feedback lighting on the bottom of the unit. Instead of the original RED LEDs, there is a single RGB LED in the bottom of the unit(or top, if inverted!). Personally, I absolutely love the 2.2, because when inverted you literally can see the light change from green(GOOD2GO) to teal, & if you have lungs of a GOD, I guess you could make it turn blue! The LED reflects the temperature of the unit, in relationship to the set-temp. If it's too hot, its red>orange>yellow (then finally green once stable at set temp). If the heater has not heated up, or you are sucking on it like a vacuum cleaner, it goes from blue>teal>seafoam green>'herb green'/'time-2-rock green'. So no worries my friend! It's a *fun* gimmick, but won't be missed if you never had it(the 2.2 that is). 2.1 functions just as well. You will seriously find yourself laughing, at some point, during a sesh once your HA arrives. Hell, I do all the time. :D :rofl::science:

Hey I just got my herbalaire and was using it last night. Its the 2.1 so the bottom LED was always red. But the lights kept going from red orang yellow, but only green when I first turn the knob on. Weird. Whats the correct color to hit it at?
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