I was about to enumerate the qualities of an HerbalAire v2.1 but i'll just focus on the cons to make it quick:
The Main white Teflon Mouthpiece!
You wish there were a whip option to match an HA as this would help to save noble consumables instead of leaving them inside a hot crucible, waiting to be removed for consumption *pronto*. Direct inhalation sort of makes me nervous between two tokes, rendering the balloon system my prefered (and unique) method for this reason. Too bad i can't really "taste" my herb in a bag though.
...and speaking of which... The balloon's black mouthpiece is OKay while direct inhalation results in shrinking the passage for airflow somewhat. I'd personnaly whish there were more than one size available, consequently.
Cleaning is another thing i dislike: after a while deposits harden and thicken around the wires of its mesh to a point where even 94 % pure alcohol won't get rid of it: the goo gets baked! My solution ranges between burning that varnish-like layer with a flame or it has to be dissolved with hot (i mean HOT, but so HOT it would risk affecting teflon, euh...) cooking oil, combined with some brushing of course.
Which brings my last main point: try to foresee beyond a couple years ahead and get mouthpiece replacements (i mean
MANY)! Not by the dozen but certainly more than one, euh... ...and/or use your own separate screens to save the one molded inside because right now an HA with no Mouthpiece would become useless if that mouthpiece happens to be lossed or badly damaged.
I almost forgot... Worst of all, it's the fact that the main white teflon mouthpiece conduit is large enough to allow the passage of a Q-Tip cotton swab but by the time it reaches the molded (not replaceable) screen at the base there's a larger diameter cavity behind that screen and i can't clean it up... This means, i guess, i'm a bad boy who should have spent much more money on maintenance, euh... But i don't feel i'm doing something wrong here, actually. Nope! Perhaps the build up sky-rocketed without me noticing, i'm not sure. All i know is that i'm going to need to order another mouthpiece, eventually.
So, no one is reading this thread hey?
I've just dicovered a few minutes ago that the screen CAN be removed from the main white teflon mouthpiece! It fits in so precisely, i guess, you'd swear the wires are trapped by the surrounding teflon material because there's no visible seam... Oh and nobody cared to correct me? C'mon people! What the hell is going on here!!! I mean, the HA vaporizer competes directly with the Volcano (i wouldn't want one even for less money than my HA). Get the picture?! So, who was going to tell me about the HA main white teflon mouthpiece's REMOVABLE SCREEN, hey???
Well, let the records show that someone (me) finally had to actually order one (and make thousands of circles around it) before such simple facts can be eventually revealed!... At least it's totally possible for me to have this embarrassing mistake corrected and it's OKay to hope that no one will ever notice, seriously! We'll see.