Amoreena, 1st time I think I've been ear-memed by someone's handle
OK I'm an OG old fart here (probably), but a noob on this forum.
(I used to wrangle the ASA Web Forums eons ago, before they succumbed to FB and Twitter)
I've got an HA 2.2 that's been berry berry good to me, but... I've got to increase my intake,
and even with vapes, they can still tear your throat out with heavy use

(thank you to the growers who don't purge or cure their stuff properly-<cough>)
BTW, I've also had stellar support from Herbalaire over the years (although I wish they had been much clearer about cleaning initially).
so I bought the TonG adapter, and even with it in hand, every glass shop in my area of So Cal has been utterly useless.
After reading a bunch of this thread, I think I'm going to try the cut-down crucible trick and use the TonG with a HydroTube. I see you folks inverting the HA, but I'm not as confident doing that with concentrates, so I figure the upright configuration should still be an improvement as far as taking some of the bite out. The flower/concentrate are all top shelf lab-tested, hopefully I won't lose much in the way of terpenes with the water bath. I was almost convinced to find the GonG adapter, but I think the cut down crucible is easier, and it saves me a chunk of change. Whaddyathink?
FYI, I think my HA unit hit it's 10 year anniversary recently
How many other units have that kind of build quality?