Oh man I have been a fan of Space Case since I started. I'm a fan of common sense. After observing them up close before purchase helps. I KNEW that this was the real thing base on yet another 6 to 12 hour surfing of the internets to trust Gratefulbuys.com for my purchase. Yes I would give it a good scrub with iso 91% and a tooth brush with long bristles just to be safe. After cleaning and reaping the rewards of 4 years of uncleaned goodness this morning. I found that my grinder was brilliantly clean and grinding the stock I have now. ..it just obliterates it within a few turns. No sticks or gum-ups everything smoothly comes out ready for the wand.
Its funny I relate grinders to this, I am a metal head. When women get implants they usually wish they gotten bigger breasts. In this case you got a small SC. After a while you will wish you had "upgraded" or waited another payday to get the large. Simply indestructible and now after it's first clean I've fallen in love with it all over again. So you see the moral here Dude? Get the Larger size first off, over compensate some. You'll thank your self later. After they have broken in it will be your one and only(s). My lady went the road well traveled and we are both happy with both our decisions. On the grinder and her "upgrade".
It does boil down to consumption. My lady and I would share an z for a month so it was bought bulk. Due to our president and his great economy we cut back to half z. If you just are the occasional and are always on the run, smaller and compact is for you. I'm a home body. Larger suited me. It would take an Z straight ground up in seconds after getting the obviously retarded large stems thrown in for weight compensation for them.

Plus when you become a reclaimer with a larger grinder you will yield a higher amount of goodies when you QGWISO.