Hey, guys. Just an update on my grinder situation. I told grinderprince from e-Bay about the scratch on the CNC Chromium Crusher I bought from him and he sent me out a replacement bottom piece free of charge. That was pretty awesome of him but now I'm actually wondering a couple things.
One thing is that the grinder has a sticker that says "Made in China" on the bottom, but from what people have been saying here, that's normal, right? I just didn't know if that meant re-branding.
Also, after using it once, I'm now wondering if grinders like these suit my needs. I'd never even used a grinder before so I didn't know how it works. The grinder works fine but it turns out it doesn't grind the herb finely enough for my PD. I may just have to resell it. If anyone here's interested, feel free to send me an offer.
I'm now looking into small electric grinders which will hopefully provide a fine enough consistency. What I'd always done before is just chop up my herb with a razor blade. That works pretty well, but it's time-consuming. Another thing is that I'd been chopping it in a glass ashtray and the other day I noticed some very faint scratches in the glass and that freaked me out because maybe that means I'm getting little bits of glass dust in my herb and unknowingly inhaling them through my PD tube.
I did some research and found out about a disease called Silicosis that you can get from inhaling glass particles. I sometimes wish I'd never found this forum because all this talk about inhaling harmful things really fucks with my already hypochondriacal brain. The bottom of the ashtray was all gunky from resin so I gave it a swab with iso. Turns out a lot of those "scratches" were actually resin streaks from the razor slicing through the herb and leaving a trail. There were still a few small surface scratches, though, but nothing that I could feel any roughness from when I ran over them with my fingernail. Man, I dunno, should I be worried about this or am I just being a freak? I really hate my brain sometimes.