I received my Newvape Fine Grinder today from Vaposhop! I saw it out of stock last week, checked back on the weekend and grabbed one for the best price for a Eurooean I believe- £45 shipped to UK (I also picked up some Crafty concentrate pads to use with essential oils, in order to qualify for free shipping at €50).
Top service from
@VapoShop !

I couldn't wait to test the grinder out earlier so I did just that and loaded up my Herborizer with a bud of Durban.
I was expecting a pretty dusty grind, but was surprised that it still looked quite coarse and chunky when it came out- much more than I was expecting anyway. Not totally dissimilar to my 2 piece SCS which I am not happy with- the grind is too irregular with plenty unground chunks that don't vape properly.
Anyway, the weed did vape much better, the whole experience was better for the grind quality, even though it didn't look nearly as fine as I hoped.
In one sense, I was disappointed, and in another, pleased that the grind still had a slight coarseness to it, because I think there is a line to draw with the grind and a case of pros and cons, dependant on vaporizer model, as you go from medium to fine.
But hey, what do I know?!
I really like the size. The inside capacity is much smaller of course. I am really hoping it will work to grind up very small amounts equally well, like 0.1 grams only.
And I also plan to use it to grind up weed for edibles in larger batches. Is a real pain in the SCS 2 piece. So many reloads, dificult to turn and empty, very clogged up and non functional afterwards.
This is one reason Im pleased a moderately coarse grind is possible with the Newvape Fine Grinder. I can just do less turns for edibles if I don't want it too fine.
I will have to try turning the grinder for longer as well, I gave it a food number of twists but could do more.
Need to do more grinder testing- can't wait![/QUOTE