VWFringe said:
I've had one of these, about 13 years ago before we really had the usual grinders widely available over here. It works a treat with dry herbs, not so good if it's damp (which was a problem when buying weed in the UK as a teenager- even back then it was damp and uncured- even worse nowadays- wet and covered in glass grit

(but I've got a great contact don't need to worry about that)). Hopefully yours are dry and cured too! I think it was called a 'Mullamatic', although looking on google there're a few things called that now.
Assuming you've got sensible cured herbs the only thing to watch out for are stems- this really doesn't like stems of any strength- even small ones can take a bit of effort to chomp through, and bigger ones can bend the revolving cutters. If these get bent out of line they can stop it turning, but are easily bent back into place.
But I'd assume you're not wanting to vape those stems anyway

so taking them out before the grind isn't much of an issue!
It also works better if really hard dense nugs are broken a bit first, but then you do that with the usual twisty grinder anyway. It can take quite a bit of effort to turn the handle round though if you don't do this adequately.
It's cheap and it works, and there's definitely something kind of pleasing about turning the handle and seeing your ground herbs dropping out of the bottom onto your plate or piece of paper. It's a medium grind I'd say, although you can put it through twice and get finer (still not as fine as a 30mm (1.2"?) though).
However, whilst this does the job well enough, I wouldn't really have much use for one myself these days. A medium sized grinder for the house and a few 30mm ones for my various portable kits are all I really need.
Plus this grinder is kind of clumsier to store than a twisty type, and definitely not as portable or pocket friendly.
...and does anyone know if the large (3" and over) 2-piece's generally give a coarser grind, or no difference? thinking of something 3" or 4" if not the rotary above....
I've had a couple of medium and larger generic 2 piece models and the teeth configuration has been pretty similar IME. The only one I've found to give an inherently different (fine) grind are the 30mm (1.2"?) with lots of little teeth (edit: or the plastic 'volcano' types).