Hey Pete, thanks for the tip. I do know of exotic zombie, and if I decide to go for a metal screen he is the dude I am going to pick my box up from (whenever I get it). The reason I did not go for the kief box this time is because I wanted something airtight and smell proof. I was all set to get a zombie 7x7 at one point though.Skunkypete said:Check out the exotic zombies , they start at 40$ and are awesome. I absolutely love mine, way better then any 4 piece grinder I've ever owned.obelisk said:I did not go for a kief box (instead of the sifter case, which is really expensive man, holy fuck- 60 bucks!)
How do you like your box? Do you lose trichs to the wood (this is something I am afraid of- I know the kief is on a glass plate but still, the box is wood.. or am I just being an idiot?)? Did you ever consider going for something with a silk screen vs a metal one? I hope you are enjoying yours!
Also, lwein:
I went for the sifter case route because I wanted to use a 2 pc grinder for fine consistency but also wanted to collect kief. So I grind, drop the fluff in the sieve and then take the stuff out. Because the stuff is ground I probably get too much kief and so I do not want to shake or agitate it much.
I do not get a good enough grind (for me) from the 4 pc grinder that I have and the upside down thing does not work for me so find this to be a good option. Essentially I guess what I have is a 4 pc grinder, just sectioned out separately-- I like that, find it more convenient, I guess it is a preference thing. But it's just another option that might suit some folks.