Hey guys, sorry this took so long. About time I wrote up a little review of the Space Case Titanium 4 piece grinder. I've had it for a while now and have had teh opportunity to run a little bit of bud through it.
Well, let me say that overall I am very impressed. Almost everything about this grinder is great: it feels so sturdy and secure, all of the seams are just about flawless, it just looks and feels high quality all over. The teeth are awesome, well cut and very well placed, and the screen is also awesome and yeah...almost everything about it is awesome.
There are a few glaring problems though, and one of them is enough of an issue for me that it makes all those other benifits sort of moot. I find the holes on this grinder to be way, way too large. I don't know exactly how big they are (they are visibly bigger than the holes on any other grinder I've owned), but IMO they are definitely too large. I find the grind quality to be shit and inconsistent unless you do two things: use gummy, high quality bud, and place it in the grinder in bigger pieces. I happen to like to remove all of the stems from my bud by hand before it hits the grinder. This normally leaves the bud in small chunks. These chunks are on the whole prooving too small for the SC: they just fall through the holes. So the only way I get a decent grind is by using bigger chunks of bud, often with little stems still embedded in them, and STILL I am not impressed with the grind consistency.

What the hell does one do? Well, I'll tell you what...I bought a small two piece TI Space Case, and I absolutely love it. No keif catching but I guess I wasn't meant to have a keif catching grinder...the 2 piece SC shreds like no bodies business, it's smooth as hell in operation and very easy to keep clean. Also the build quality is very impressive on the 2-piece.
I am a little soured on the keif catching grinder thing because I was really hoping for this SC to pull through, but whatever, I will hold on to it and just stick it in a drawer...maybe some day I'll have high quality sticky buds, and then I could see the SC 4-piece coming in handy. For my usual dried out beasters though the 2-piece does a fabulous job, and I believe I've finished my searching...I'm going to pick up a 2-piece medium TI SC and then call it quits.
The other major issue I have is with the finish: it looks bad ass as hell, and for the most part it SEEMS pretty strong...but there's already a few dents and chips out of the finish on each of my SC grinders!! It's not the end of the world because they're bound to get beat up over time anyway, but I kind of thought this adanoized coating was supposed to be way, WAY harder than this...gently knocking the two pieces of my 2-piece grinder together (to coax out the keif after a grind) created silver scratches on the grinder after just a couple uses. =( That's pretty lame, but WTF. The grind quality is superb, so I'll happily pick up a medium 2-piece and use these as long as they last.
BTW I got my 2-piece from Warehouse Goods and although I've had shitty service from them in the past, this time it was phenomenal and the grinder could not have arrived any quicker. I was actually surprised when I found the package in the mail because at the time I didn't exect it to be showing up for at least another week!!
Anyway, so the long and short of this is:
- SC 4-piece? Nice, but not worth the price tag IMO.
- SC 2-piece? Beautiful. I'll use this beast until it craps out on me. I don't think that will be any time soon, either...the aluminum is thick and solid. Should last for years!