For some cali weed, it sure does contain a shit ton of thca in it
I never said it did not contain THCA...
No wonder why you think Cali weed so good when they inflating their thca (which also means thc) numbers. 42% thca my ass
... That was part of my fucking point? I don't fully trust any of these numbers... Never said cali weed was so good, stop putting words in my mouth please
Now here is some Cali concentrate. Notice all the thca and low thc numbers? Thought Cali was different
Again, I never said cali was different... That is still a largely meaningless random sample to me
Hemp vendors are the opposite and many openly present the COA, with some even going the pesticide/chemical analysis as well. For those to act like hemp isn't being regulated is an asinine take
Who said that? I think it is regulated, even more regulated, but the other stuff is not... So I personally don't feel I can be so sure that everything is the same just because you say it is... Of course for hemp to be supposedly legal it has to be fully tested, they show all that because they have to...?
Um, do you know what bragging is? my quote you shared and especially the lines you bolded merely indicate my experience and resulting belief that there is a difference based on my knowledge as well... Yes I said I was in California, I never made any claim about cali weed or its quality relative to anything else... Seriously need to improve your reading comprehension my dude
even still you basically said that thca hemp isn't the same as cali weed based on your experience
That's actually not what I said at all... I don't doubt there is cali weed that is the very same THCA hemp... My point is that I don't think that is the same as other regular weed (from anywhere) whether it is easy to find exactly, I think it exists and I think it is different... I don't think it offers the same full spectrum experience, which I have experienced from others, from a variety of places over the past like 15 years... In fact I think it could be a large part where the blame lies for why I feel like I haven't gotten really good bud in a long while (because it has been THCA hemp even in cali yes although that is not the only reason for bad weed of course) Preston finally shipped my order so we'll see how their quality is, again I would love nothing more to find great stuff, even if it is mail order THCA hemp, so we'll see if I can try some that is such high quality that it makes me feel it is no different than any of the great regular weed I have tried...
And yet you say you are open minded, yet you are already bias because one is labeled hemp and the other is called weed
Open-minded does not mean you do not have bias for one thing, and we all have the bias of that labeling between hemp and regular weed... In fact you have the same bias reversed, that it is all universally the same, even though you can't possibly know that for sure
When at the end of the day, your cali weed is nothing more than just thca hemp/weed/cannabis. You still find it hard to believe with all the science showing your ignorance?
You are so hung up on the term "cali weed" which you brought in here because I said I was in California... I think all THCA hemp is not necessarily the same as all supposed regular weed cannabis... Call me ignorant all you like, I still don't believe you have shared true science in the way you think you have
And me being factual, isn't being hard headed. Show some science to refute what I say, and I'll be open to it. But that quote of yours shows everything that needs to be shown. You hung up on the word hemp and its legality.
Actually, you claiming that every opinion you share, based on your own research and experience, is factual science when it could not possibly be, is extremely hard-headed... Your science is not comprehensive so I think my POV is still valid, and that your quotes also show everything that needs to be shown, about how much you understand what I'm saying (very little seemingly)... You hung up on the fact that my opinion based on personal evidence doesn't jive with what you believe to be a universal truth based on your own evidence (if there was never any different classification, if all hemp and all weed was all the same, then you wouldn't have a reason to come here and say they were all the same, if mail order and dispensaries and black markets didn't exist... Obviously the legality colors all our perception of the plant as does individual experience and perspective)
And a concentrate showing 99% thca would absolutely prove the cannabis plant produces thca and not thc. Do you comprehend how science works?
But that's not what that is, that's a sheet of paper saying what it says, and I do not understand why that would prove that universally at all frankly... I sincerely hope you are not a science teacher, I can't imagine many would learn from you, the way you try to explain it, increasingly rude too
If the cannabis plant produces thc and not thca, then the live hash rosin would squirt out thc, and not thca. But science clearly shows that isn't the case. Clearly you don't understand why you decarb weed when you eat it. It has everything to do with thca being converted to thc.
Yeah I don't even really understand what you are saying here, maybe if you were better at it I might understand more of what you are saying, and you might have a better chance of convincing me... Instead I will just continue to absorb it, along with everything else, as another interesting data point about such a complex wonderful plant and the industry that we must rely on to consume it... I'm not convinced, but my mind is opened to consider the possibility
And once again, I do understand the decarb process, but I am skeptical that it is necessary at all, since I've never done it when baking before and never had any problem with strong infusions in vegetable oil or coconut oil for baking... It might enhance the effectiveness sure, but I think the chemicals and the processes involved have a lot more variables than you seem to realize, acknowledge, or appreciate?
Anyway I'm not really sure what you want from me, I just don't feel comfortable validating you, even though you really seem to need me and everyone else to confirm you are correct, that all THCA hemp, mail order grown from anywhere, is universally the same as all supposed regular weed anywhere... Maybe it gives you peace of mind to know the science supports your experience that when you mail order you are getting better stuff for a better deal without any compromise or sacrifice at all... I don't think I need the peace of mind to know regular weed I get is different than the THCA hemp, some of it might be the same, but I can think of it however I want since ultimately none of this can be universally proven right now (imo)