Heaviest hitting


Active Member
In your personal opinion which vape is the "heaviest hitter" that available on the market ?


Active Member
The heaviest hitter is tolerance management and better bud.

Keep in mind, even the very best vaporizers can still plateau in effects once they become your new baseline.

What does your vaporizer arsenal currently consist of?
E-Nano, Vapcaps.
I am looking for a vape that gives a Body high. The heaviest hitters tend to be the most sedating aswell which is what I am looking for.


E-Nano, Vapcaps.
I am looking for a vape that gives a Body high. The heaviest hitters tend to be the most sedating aswell which is what I am looking for.

Just my opinion, but again I would rank body high as something more related to tolerance and starting material, along with high temp extraction; cause I've been on both sides of the fence where I thought X vape was the strongest in the whole world, but also had times where that same vape wasn't cutting it, at all.

Many people consider the Vapcap one of the more stony vapes around, there are quite a few members on here with thousands invested in their collections who still find the sub-$100 dynavap preferable. But perhaps you would find something with a bigger bowl more effective.

I saw your other post about CBN and insomnia. Do you vape throughout the day, or strictly before bed for managing your insomnia?

This is probably gonna be a controversial opinion given my advocacy for vaporizing, but if I suffered from insomnia and needed relief I might just smoke something. Insomnia is one of those conditions that a lot of people seem to have trouble with when treating with a vaporizer. I've worked with a few patients that insist smoking is more effective for them, and like I said in a recent thread - I can talk about the science of vaping all day long, but if someone tells me they are getting more relief from combustion than vaping, there's really nothing else I can say.

IMO, broadly speaking,
Vaping gets you high and combustion gets you stoned.

The inverse is also possible, but that's my ultra loose comparison of the two methods. I believe many people who try vaping get very high, but they are really looking to get stoned. They're just different. Like boiled chicken versus barbecued lol.


Active Member
Just my opinion, but again I would rank body high as something more related to tolerance and starting material, along with high temp extraction; cause I've been on both sides of the fence where I thought X vape was the strongest in the whole world, but also had times where that same vape wasn't cutting it, at all.

Many people consider the Vapcap one of the more stony vapes around, there are quite a few members on here with thousands invested in their collections who still find the sub-$100 dynavap preferable. But perhaps you would find something with a bigger bowl more effective.

I saw your other post about CBN and insomnia. Do you vape throughout the day, or strictly before bed for managing your insomnia?

This is probably gonna be a controversial opinion given my advocacy for vaporizing, but if I suffered from insomnia and needed relief I might just smoke something. Insomnia is one of those conditions that a lot of people seem to have trouble with when treating with a vaporizer. I've worked with a few patients that insist smoking is more effective for them, and like I said in a recent thread - I can talk about the science of vaping all day long, but if someone tells me they are getting more relief from combustion than vaping, there's really nothing else I can say.

IMO, broadly speaking,
Vaping gets you high and combustion gets you stoned.

The inverse is also possible, but that's my ultra loose comparison of the two methods. I believe many people who try vaping get very high, but they are really looking to get stoned. They're just different. Like boiled chicken versus barbecued lol.

I only vape before I go to bed.
The vapcap does provide a more sleep inducing effect that other vapes like mighty, enano etc but I was just wondering if there is something better.

I'd rather avoid combustion but maybe it's the best option.

Flowerpot, De Verdamper, Supreme
Yes these all seem like good options.
Which would of these provide the heaviest stone sleep inducing effect do you know?
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Active Member
If it is just a question of getting massive hits and disregarding taste and efficiency it is a toss up between my LSV and my Plenty.
not a fan of the plenty. Tried my friends a couple times and did not get a satisfying effect from it.


Well-Known Member
Just my opinion, but again I would rank body high as something more related to tolerance and starting material, along with high temp extraction; cause I've been on both sides of the fence where I thought X vape was the strongest in the whole world, but also had times where that same vape wasn't cutting it, at all.

Many people consider the Vapcap one of the more stony vapes around, there are quite a few members on here with thousands invested in their collections who still find the sub-$100 dynavap preferable. But perhaps you would find something with a bigger bowl more effective.

I saw your other post about CBN and insomnia. Do you vape throughout the day, or strictly before bed for managing your insomnia?

This is probably gonna be a controversial opinion given my advocacy for vaporizing, but if I suffered from insomnia and needed relief I might just smoke something. Insomnia is one of those conditions that a lot of people seem to have trouble with when treating with a vaporizer. I've worked with a few patients that insist smoking is more effective for them, and like I said in a recent thread - I can talk about the science of vaping all day long, but if someone tells me they are getting more relief from combustion than vaping, there's really nothing else I can say.

IMO, broadly speaking,
Vaping gets you high and combustion gets you stoned.

The inverse is also possible, but that's my ultra loose comparison of the two methods. I believe many people who try vaping get very high, but they are really looking to get stoned. They're just different. Like boiled chicken versus barbecued lol.

I’ve never smoked, but for me the most effective way I found to get to sleep was a combination of edibles and a slow conduction vapor session after not using anything all day. I could probably do about the same with a convection device if I kept draws short, but since they can easily extract a lot in one draw that’s what usually happens...then I often end up either a little short of knocked out or past what’s comfortable for me.

For someone with a higher tolerance though, a heavy hitting convection vaporizer might be the better choice anyway. I think the edibles (especially whole plant extracts) may be the most important part of that equation for me though.


I’ve never smoked, but for me the most effective way I found to get to sleep was a combination of edibles and a slow conduction vapor session after not using anything all day. I could probably do about the same with a convection device if I kept draws short, but since they can easily extract a lot in one draw that’s what usually happens...then I often end up either a little short of knocked out or past what’s comfortable for me.

For someone with a higher tolerance though, a heavy hitting convection vaporizer might be the better choice anyway. I think the edibles (especially whole plant extracts) may be the most important part of that equation for me though.

Absolutely, when talking with chronic pain patients who are medicating throughout the day and have trouble sleeping, edibles are usually a solid solution. I'm a big fan of canna capsules as they are easy to make and take. For people who are vaping throughout the day, edibles can definitely help pull some weight when the vapor effects starts falling off.

I think pretty much any of the PID controller powered vapes that can be really pushed to the edge would be ideal for sleep and pain management.


Well-Known Member
Elev8r, a big torch, a big bud of indica

BOOM ....lights out captain.....your going down with the ship!

Especially as Inverted said....depends on what vapes your using...but regardless....what I suggested will do it and there are many others as well. They all work slightly different and have +'s and -'s. Would need much more info on how you vape...what would and what you wouldn't tolerate using a specific vape.


Almost there...
Elev8r, a big torch, a big bud of indica

BOOM ....lights out captain.....your going down with the ship!

Especially as Inverted said....depends on what vapes your using...but regardless....what I suggested will do it and there are many others as well. They all work slightly different and have +'s and -'s. Would need much more info on how you vape...what would and what you wouldn't tolerate using a specific vape.

With this damn quarantine and being home for almost 7 weeks, my tolerance is sky high at the moment!!!
Cannot wait to go back to work and get on a routine again.

I also find most of the heavy hitters or more expensive vapes are personal preference.
So a try before you buy is usually best if possible.

Looking forward to receiving my Elev8r with coil and filling the heater with beads!!


My hardest hitting vape is my VerDamper using a modified bowl.
The effects from this vape are in another league compared to all my other vapes.
Almost as strong as the Sub but with better flavor, so it wins for me.


Vaping since 2010
This is probably gonna be a controversial opinion given my advocacy for vaporizing, but if I suffered from insomnia and needed relief I might just smoke something. Insomnia is one of those conditions that a lot of people seem to have trouble with when treating with a vaporizer. I've worked with a few patients that insist smoking is more effective for them, and like I said in a recent thread - I can talk about the science of vaping all day long, but if someone tells me they are getting more relief from combustion than vaping, there's really nothing else I can say.
Scientifically this is irrefutable, that said I am able to get satisfactorily stoned vaping strong indica biased strains.

Which would of these provide the heaviest stone sleep inducing effect do you know?
Put me down for a FlowerPot! That said you're getting plenty of great recommendations

I think pretty much any of the PID controller powered vapes that can be really pushed to the edge would be ideal for sleep and pain management.
Amen brother!


Well-Known Member
After the first ever session with my Sublimator I slept like a baby.
The EQ, Grasshopper, TUBOx, StemPod, MFLB, Vapcap all keep me awake. If I'm really tired and hit one it will put me in a pleasant stupor/cycle and keep me awake. Hit, chill, repeat. I could do this for days..
I smoked heavily for many years, and the sedation is lacking/missed with the final bed-time knock-out vapes I substituted to. I deal with it, but I always missed the tiredness a big bowl or edibles would induce by comparison. I found the Sublimator reintroduced this to some level, specifically by being more of a whole-body stone as compared to just a heady high. This thing gives more of a heavy head high (more than usual even compared with smoking) and a body high that many others completely lack.

The only exceptions pretty much being what is mentioned here, and those devices can achieve this for the same reason - being able to dial the extraction to the limit of combustion leads to a sedative potency.

I have horrendous tolerance to the sub at the moment pumping close to 2 Oz's through it over 4/20 lol... still does the trick every time though, even with small amounts. But I would say it always pays to keep the tolerance low, for the overall cost of consumption and for the overall experience.
It's a lot of fun going HAM, but it takes its toll and it takes time to work consumption back down to normal levels.
The only disadvantage of getting some expensive, exotic, heavy extractor, is that you can't really one up it. So once you get to a point, a tolerance break is the only answer. Which isn't really a bad thing.

With the Sub I usually go from handling 1 or two hits a day, working up to having 3 in a row, to double deckers with dabs, to avoiding using it for some time, before starting the cycle again. It's amazingly good to be honest. I'm at the end of the cycle now, and soon I will switch to just using a grasshopper which will work my tolerance back down over a couple of weeks. Then I can get supremely ripped again, the Sub is trippy when it hits properly. I'd have to put an eighth through it at the moment to achieve what ordinarily a single hit can do. Tolerance is definitely key, mixing up the spectrum by sampling different strains is useful to prolong tolerance build up too.


All my days in a daze...
Today I am using my Flowerpot for the first time in long time.
Previous to that was using ELEV8r with coil.
Also always have the Sub Apollo running because the wife prefers it.

I'd say the Sub still hits hardest overall but it's close and the Sub is not necessarily my favourite of the three... the coiled ELEV8r is... at least at the moment. ;)


Well-Known Member
not necessarily my favourite

The Sublimator is definitely lacking (relatively) in the flavour department, and as @lazylathe says, that can mean the difference between favourites.
It's worth considering other options just for that, and possibly (more so) for price and availability. But the Sub does special things even if it just tastes 'good', costs an arm and a leg and needs a dedicated zone for use.

Amazing vapour is amazing though, no doubt about it. Whilst the Sub makes insane clouds, the terpenes go through some light pyrolysis or something, the smells emitted are unique and changed. The effect is awesome.
But the effect of the plant is always awesome. That's the whole point, and you can't really go wrong :nod:

Being able to taste it properly is a good move. That's why I like to combine the GH and the Sub from time to time. Works incredibly well. Great taste, and with a massive freight-train impact.


Well-Known Member
Lets bring this thread back! XQ2 IMO. Havent tried anything that comes even close, the only thing that I imagine could hit the same way is the Volcano Hybrid, my Lamarts hit strong but the chamber is too small, same for Sticky Bricks. A full chamber XQ2, pre heat, fan on and its insane!!! Only my ball vape can compare.
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