Trying to get up off the couch
Hi. I have a dream project that involves making a heating element for hand pipes. For practicality it might be best to design it for the most popular pipes...Grav, or whatever.
The idea is to have a portable heater. A few batteries and a ceramic heater of some sort (or different). Heater would interface with the pipe with a waxed hempwick as a gasket.
The idea is to bring back that great feeling of packing a bowl (in a nice glass pipe) and passing it around. But vape it instead of smoke. Does anyone have design ideas or a way to modify an existing product to get this result?
The idea is to have a portable heater. A few batteries and a ceramic heater of some sort (or different). Heater would interface with the pipe with a waxed hempwick as a gasket.
The idea is to bring back that great feeling of packing a bowl (in a nice glass pipe) and passing it around. But vape it instead of smoke. Does anyone have design ideas or a way to modify an existing product to get this result?
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