Well-Known Member
Soooo I`ve been saving up some vapecash to allocate to an on the go portable solution. Being a hash-vaping,dynacultist I had pretty much settled on the Beast. But then at the last minute I went for the edge. The beast looks awesome,but still a smidge too large for my daily carry,and frankly I'm a little intimidated by the whole mod thing. Haptic(i.e no look,no listen) feedback,temp control and single hand operation won me over. I like vaping on the go,and finding a corner or bush to slip behind,taking of my headphones and getting out of the wind is getting to be a hassle. So this morning I ordered the edge,plus wpa,3d stem and a bunch of extras from vape wellness. Also got the sneaky pete mini can
So,brand new set-up on the way!
Quick question: Any thoughts on how the edge deals with cold weather? For the mighty I'd shove it down my sleeve for stealthier,battery conserving winter vaping,but the expansion and contractions of the plastic and being banged around in my pocket/backpack still led to some wicked chipping around the CU
Now,the edge looks more rugged,but especially with glass in the mix I'm a little wary. It doesn't get real cold here,but there will for sure be days below zero. Whadddya think? Stock mp only,maybe? Wouldn't want to fuck up my new toys!

Quick question: Any thoughts on how the edge deals with cold weather? For the mighty I'd shove it down my sleeve for stealthier,battery conserving winter vaping,but the expansion and contractions of the plastic and being banged around in my pocket/backpack still led to some wicked chipping around the CU