Well-Known Member
No thanks. I'm not going to expound on basic battery chemistries here.Can you shed some light about this "significant short risk/venting" that you refer to here? I'm no battery expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know that I use LiPo batteries in my drones and I crash those fuckers hard all the time. I was led to believe that LiPo's are used with drones because they are safe even when taking abuse. You seem to imply the opposite, so I'd appreciate it if you can point me in the direction of data to the contrary.
If a moderator has gotten involved, we're a hop skip and jump away from the relocation of my postings to "the use of LiPo batteries in a convection vaporizer" thread, where the company will never reply to it.
I'm not going down that path again, wasting my time like I did on another safety issue, Teflon.
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