you'll release this vape?would it be avaible in Europe? Thanks
i heard someone talking about some sorta screen mod to make using it this way better... they said the glass bowl was too big the top clears the heater or something? idk. anyone using "mods"? I found mine pretty nice out of the box but I'm a newbie to HR vapes.
So what's the improvement? This person didn't detail to me what it was or how to do it. Merely that it existed, and they found stock lacking.
No, I did not tell you that, did I? I said I found @Vape Dr. had a technique that gives what I think an advantage (in certain conditions).
I told you the author of the idea. He has made a total of 14 posts in this thread, that post should not be very hard to find, either by you or me. There you'll find the details of what it is, how it's done, what it's intended to improve on. It's not a simple 'I read it on the web' hack..........
I would think any stainless steel screen would work, no? No matter, let everything cool down before you touch it or a dosing capsule emanating from the chamber after use.sorry dawg. i read it in someone's comment on instagram. they never replied to me when I asked them to show it what it was.
i meant that person, not you. so i kinda did "read it on the web" ambiguously
never intended to confuse. nor did I want to search, but you seem like a good guy so i guess i concede.
edit: i see the mod. i don't have those screens. i am much too lazy to do all that work. stock works pretty well for me. it is a nice thought though!
What is the ultimate portable 4 flavor?Hi All, We have our FIERCE out to numerous reviewers. It does take time for them to thoroughly test them, create videos, and edit them. The holidays seem to slow things down as well. Please be patient, there will be many FIERCE reviews coming out soon.
Happy Holidays!
Healthy Rips Team
been trying without the capsules just for fun. the flavor and vapor both are better and lasts a little longer as expected. mouth parts of the glass don't get hot. 410 with some super dry bud that pretty much turned to powder left me with very even results.
this may be my go-to now when i actually can reload and don't need to use the capsules...
i heard someone talking about some sorta screen mod to make using it this way better... they said the glass bowl was too big the top clears the heater or something? idk. anyone using "mods"? I found mine pretty nice out of the box but I'm a newbie to HR vapes.
I do it backward from post I dome it the opposite way and sandwich the herb like a log vape stem.
I find the chamber inside the glass stems to be a bit too long so I shortened it with the upside down basket screen then after that I added the end screen like I use with my Log vapes and have been loving the smaller load and efficiency of it!
Hi! Yes, we have domed screens that fit nicely inside the chamber of our FIERCE glass attachments. Some people prefer to reduce the size of the glass chamber using these screens. We want everyone to have the very best experience with their new FIERCE - therefore we are giving away free domed screens to FIERCE clients who contact us:
Going forward we will be offering two chamber sizes for our FIERCE glass attachments as follows:
Now and going forward, we will include these chamber-reduction screens with the purchase of every FIERCE or FIERCE XL glass attachment to give our clients the option to use them if they prefer. The best way to insert the screens into the XL glass chamber is to push them in with the eraser end of a standard pencil. Here are pictures to illustrate how to insert and use the chamber-reduction screens:
- XL Glass attachments: Chamber size 17mm in length.
- Standard Glass attachments: Chamber size 12mm in length (will be on our website around Christmas day).
Merry Christmas All!
Healthy Rips Team
dang I guess I'd be rude to turn them down if they're free, but using them either way (maybe not screen against screen) won't allow me to just blow out my roasted herb... hmmmm
actually screw being rude i don't need the screens, I'll just get the "standard" short stem and the battery+charger when i can...
i feel like i can get a full stem to roast fully through, on max temp(at least it surely seems that way)
id rather do that than put something other than glass in the stem. taste isn't bad, honestly, and I don't wanna dilute w metal. it isn't a flavor monster but it doesn't dull taste like some other conduction/hybrids
how are other people treating their battery? fully drain(or close to) then charge? or top ups/maintenance charges?
I like screens?dang I guess I'd be rude to turn them down if they're free, but using them either way (maybe not screen against screen) won't allow me to just blow out my roasted herb... hmmmm
actually screw being rude i don't need the screens
Lets say the battery life of the Fury is too short for you
Would u get a second Fury 2 or a Fierce ?
Lets say the battery life of the Fury is too short for you
Would u get a second Fury 2 or a Fierce ?