Heady Glass Appreciation


Well-Known Member
Anyone know of any good artists making old school JBD style beaker or bubble bottom tubes with silver / gold fuming? Not old school as in grommets and o-rings but the style if you know what I mean? Preferably smallish, I might be trying to relive my youth.

I wanna say either NorCalSmokeShop or GlassStasheDC has some JBD. It could be neither but I know I just saw some JBD’s on a IG story Display showcase.

I’ll look into that for ya.

Another good person to contact would be Roozy at Piece of Mind. He’s awesome and loves helping connect people with the glass they want, even if it’s not in his shop.


Well-Known Member
Atlantis Funkler:

I love this yellow-green tone much more than the usual blue-green "lake" shade of Atlantis.

Funktion's great as one might expect.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Atlantis Funkler:

I love this yellow-green tone much more than the usual blue-green "lake" shade of Atlantis.

Funktion's great as one might expect.

Very nice! I never heard of that color before so I don't know what it normally looks like, is it full color or accented with clear? Look similar to that big lime juice one he had up


Well-Known Member
Very nice! I never heard of that color before so I don't know what it normally looks like, is it full color or accented with clear? Look similar to that big lime juice one he had up
It's full color. The store called it Atlantis but their own pic and having it in hand makes me wonder.

Just found the Lime Juice one...holy crap that's beautiful! This one's not as vivid or quite as limey, it's kind of like a yellower coke bottle glass, closer to the first one below.

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(zombie) Woof.
Maaaan, fuck a footless Sherlock...! 😍:
I posted the first thing that came to mind: "Sweet!" To which he replied: "thank you! 😁" Then I texted it to my daughter, and I rarely link glass, to which she replied: "I like that. It looks yummy"

(IwillnotaskhowmuchitcostsIwillnotgetintoheadyglassIwillnotaskhowmuchitcostsIwillnotgetintoheadyglassIwillnotaskhowmuchitcostsIwillnotgetintoheadyglass...etc ad nauseam 😑)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, after I finish off payment s Pocket Plus Hiro this month (thank you HerbReporter) I think I’m gonna make my first large purchase outside of an EvolEmpire model and wanted some input since my stoned friends Headyness stops at RipTips and Rosin.

I kinda thought Lazy Drains, Bloopers, and whatever you wanna call Sonnumberfour’s Golden Ratio model, weren’t something that would never interest me but after using a BMFT Tetrapod for a 2 days on a work trip with a coworker I’m highly interested but almost every unique blooper & Bloopcycler (Lazy drain) design is in the 6k new and and I’m willing to go 5k used max.

My issue with the pricing on bloopers I’m general is it seems to be a hype design in the industry when the Market Bubble popped in mid ‘22 but still asking COVID Stimulus check pricing for these models. Then adding the artists name as another tack on adds up quickly and to a lot. I’ll give it to em, the high end models like that BMFT Tetrapod and Haaps Quazi’s are amazing, (especially for Slurpers) and probably worth their asking price new but some of these stated artists almost make it impossible to get the design in a non colab model for under 10k.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a unique Blooper function with or without a lazy drain? I’m leaning towards a ‘22 solo Haaps but at 5k used that’s…a punch to the gut…then again a new colored Walmot is 3k and I didn’t like that design at all since it sucked down like half my dab with almost half pull strength so it makes me wonder if this is for the heady heady’s or is it truly a functional design. What’s your thoughts on bloopers?

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
What’s your thoughts on bloopers?

They have some unique interesting function and I've seen a lot of different types, recycler versions or plain bloopers, different levels of bloop after rip, some different percs... Also all of them much cheaper than that, but of course different style and more clear parts made by different cheaper artists etc...
Shit Snacks,
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Well-Known Member
They have some unique interesting function and I've seen a lot of different types, recycler versions or plain bloopers, different levels of bloop after rip, some different percs... Also all of them much cheaper than that, but of course different style and more clear parts made by different cheaper artists etc...
I guess it comes down to how easily the air bubbles move through whichever form of dispersion they use without breaking up into smaller bubbles is the end goal of a good blooper and I’m getting the feeling it’s similar to a straight shooter design in that there can be some really sick ones but when it comes down to it it’s still a tube, type situation when it comes to bloopers.

I was looking at a Bororegon Blooper and one of his older models has the bulge that Walmot’s has. I might have to ask if he still makes that design.
$150...? 🤔🤨🧐:

I like those chuggers haven’t put much thought into them though.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
guess it comes down to how easily the air bubbles move through whichever form of dispersion they use without breaking up into smaller bubbles is the end goal of a good blooper and I’m getting the feeling it’s similar to a straight shooter design in that there can be some really sick ones but when it comes down to it it’s still a tube, type situation when it comes to bloopers.

So it's also about how it bloops back down, after you stop ripping it, the water should sort of sit on the blooper disc, and then drop back down more steady slow ideally... Some bloop faster or hardly at all, of course different if it is with a drain too, mine from Kadabra still bloops though, I've seen other really nice ones that do and cost less at least... There are some other variations of course, but I think the holes in the disc should actually be a decent size, but it depends on the perc below as well as the shape of the piece, and mouthpiece style all affecting the air flow and function of course
Shit Snacks,
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Well-Known Member
So it's also about how it bloops back down, after you stop ripping it, the water should sort of sit on the blooper disc, and then drop back down more steady slow ideally... Some bloop faster or hardly at all, of course different if it is with a drain too, mine from Kadabra still bloops though, I've seen other really nice ones that do and cost less at least... There are some other variations of course, but I think the holes in the disc should actually be a decent size, but it depends on the perc below as well as the shape of the piece, and mouthpiece style all affecting the air flow and function of course
Good point. I wonder if the dropping of the water back to the basin making the “bloop” sound makes it different than artists who’s functionality is very similar though. You’ve got artists like Bubbles the butcher who have large diameter intake paths and Birdshot with percs that create a lot of negative pressure so that the water almost entirely moves to the upper chamber and is trying to fall back down but the consistent pull keeps it up above in that second chamber and the water just falls instantly back into the perc chamber when the hit is done but doesn’t make the bloop sound.

It’s cool to see that the slight decline in the market has made a lot of artists outsource their style by offering classes. Watching the Hydra develop into different artists takes was a trip to come back to after a 14 month break.


Well-Known Member
I am digging my Walmot Blooper (scalloped glass to match my scalloped MilkBall). And for something different and even less expensive that I think of as a blooper RBR hybrid, the GIblocks from Gibson Glass have been favorites too. Other than my Evols, these bloopers (oh and my cute lil Hickorys) are probably getting the most use right now.

If I was going to throw down big money on anything right now, it'd probably be between a Rycrafted or a Earl Jr.

Sorry running into a meeting, so no time for pics of what I've mentioned above, tho other than the Walmot, think I've posted pics of the rest on this thread at one point or another.


Well-Known Member
I am digging my Walmot Blooper (scalloped glass to match my scalloped MilkBall). And for something different and even less expensive that I think of as a blooper RBR hybrid, the GIblocks from Gibson Glass have been favorites too. Other than my Evols, these bloopers (oh and my cute lil Hickorys) are probably getting the most use right now.

If I was going to throw down big money on anything right now, it'd probably be between a Rycrafted or a Earl Jr.

Sorry running into a meeting, so no time for pics of what I've mentioned above, tho other than the Walmot, think I've posted pics of the rest on this thread at one point or another.
I got to try the EHJ:RBR model and the new Blooper from the August drop and they’re very similar but the EHJ:RBR (owned by WeastCoastGlassTreasures) is so much smoother. The RBRBlooper feels like your trying to pull through a clogged downstem to get it revving. They have one serious problem though. If the RBRB are filled too high when the water drains back and resets the pressure, it will make the water level rise VERY uncomfortably high, it when up into the joint of the Slurper and that scared the shit outta me.

My Evol collection needs a few older models and the eclipse series and an ErlEclipse bur after those I’ve gotta take a break. Love the style, just need a change. Earl, Siren, or Congruent have been on my radar for awhile but after speaking with Earl throughout ‘21 and he kept changing his pricing, like every month after the BetterDaze event. Not gonna lie when he reached the 4k line from 3250 in 3 months I was hands off since for $250 more I could’ve gotten a Hydra in the same color scheme (FireKist Green under Synergy FireKist Blue under BlueRay [BlueV on crack])

I talked to someone later who explained that at that time Earl had had his first child and orders were coming in from left and right at higher and higher bids so to not make shops who paid more have a harder time getting rid of them, one off pricing was adjusted.

Here’s the Evol collection when it’s all in one place (missing a pocket vert)

post images

Walmot bloopers are so fucking gorgeous

Guru does really awesome bloopers too

Rain does one too now, called the bouncer

I’ll have to check out the Rain but the Walmot is looking like the best starter with a solid design behind the function.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I’ll have to check out the Rain but the Walmot is looking like the best starter with a solid design behind the function.

Our buddy here helped rain lock down the finalized bouncer design for best form and function, has a lot of great videos
Shit Snacks,
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Letaps Stash

Well-Known Member
I got to try the EHJ:RBR model and the new Blooper from the August drop and they’re very similar but the EHJ:RBR (owned by WeastCoastGlassTreasures) is so much smoother. The RBRBlooper feels like your trying to pull through a clogged downstem to get it revving. They have one serious problem though. If the RBRB are filled too high when the water drains back and resets the pressure, it will make the water level rise VERY uncomfortably high, it when up into the joint of the Slurper and that scared the shit outta me.

My Evol collection needs a few older models and the eclipse series and an ErlEclipse bur after those I’ve gotta take a break. Love the style, just need a change. Earl, Siren, or Congruent have been on my radar for awhile but after speaking with Earl throughout ‘21 and he kept changing his pricing, like every month after the BetterDaze event. Not gonna lie when he reached the 4k line from 3250 in 3 months I was hands off since for $250 more I could’ve gotten a Hydra in the same color scheme (FireKist Green under Synergy FireKist Blue under BlueRay [BlueV on crack])

I talked to someone later who explained that at that time Earl had had his first child and orders were coming in from left and right at higher and higher bids so to not make shops who paid more have a harder time getting rid of them, one off pricing was adjusted.

Here’s the Evol collection when it’s all in one place (missing a pocket vert)

post images

I’ll have to check out the Rain but the Walmot is looking like the best starter with a solid design behind the function.
Love this dudes work! Fucking clean, functional and artistic!
Letaps Stash,
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Well-Known Member

Our buddy here helped rain lock down the finalized bouncer design for best form and function, has a lot of great videos
Dude this actually has a lot more design than I thought from looking at the videos. I really might have to lol into this as a starter starter.

I’m finding that I like the size in the 4-6” range (that’s what she said) with a the least amount of water possible, kinda what led me down the Haaps and Blooper-esque designs. This is gonna be much harder than I first thought lol.

Love this dudes work! Fucking clean, functional and artistic!
Me too man, fell in love with it after seeing the Punisher Perc and someone explained what a dewar seal was and why they’re so hard to incorporate in functional art.

I will say that everything from ‘19- end of 21 was an absolute dog fight to get in that time span…id honestly say putting in the day-to-day work of earning the money was sometimes easier than dealing with the drops.

I drove 5hrs for a drop that I was told was delayed a week when I got there in midsummer Vegas heat so I spent a whole ass week grappling over if seeing some grade A titties was worth missing an Evol drop and after 5days in sweltering heat and no spare cash to at least Pretend like you’re trying to fit in with the gamblers on oxygen machines, ya just kinda had to have the heat as your buddy. That trip up until getting the BioMeyer kinda sucked man 🤣


Well-Known Member
Well the time has come for me to snag some quality new glass.

Is there anything particular anyone would recommend for smaller vapes such as logs, terpcicle, anvil and tinymight? Preferably on the medium to small side as my lungs aren’t what they used to be. Mostly used WITH water.

Im leaning heady and sub $200 but im having a hard time finding heady pieces (no social media and difficult to scroll IG when they only let you look for a minute or so) to search through.

For non heady but quality glass and easy to use websites I’m really liking THG Sherlock Shredder. Gooroo inline and three pieces are also bitchen but like I said preferably something a bit more heady.

Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
I would ask her if she can do whatever art you'd like on it--it's a great pipe and she's great to work with. @Bologna just posted this bitchin' one in contoured glass.
Oh yeah I’ve been drooling over his mad scientist setups for sure.

Hmmm I haven’t thought to ask her to make something a bit more heady. Good thought.

On the Sherlock Shredder, is there a major difference in function from the hollow foot to the non?


Hit It & Quit It
Atlantis Funkler:
I really like this rig! Saw some function videos of it spinning the water so nicely... Low volume and shouldn't be a hassle to clean. I sold my one recycler, but this Funkler recycler of yours makes me wanna try them again.

What kind of diffusion this one has?

Is 18mm version worth trying? Would 18mm be better with 2 upstream tubes?

Also saw, there are Funklers like that without hollow base, just a hook attached to a stand...like a wine glass base. It's even less volume, but makes me a little scared of breakage...

I'd be thankful for any advice!
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Im leaning heady and sub $200 but im having a hard time finding heady pieces

I'm not sure how heady it's going to be for sub $200, to get a decent medium size, with good function as well? Depending on the style you like, there are some artists here that could do that, probably just go custom, to get the right piece you want from the right artist for the right price... Have you skimmed through this thread to see some of the offerings? Off the top of my head I'm not sure who would be best for that and what you want, I've posted many here that could fit what you are looking for probably though

(no social media and difficult to scroll IG when they only let you look for a minute or so) to search through.

What do you mean they only let you look for a minute or so?? If you don't have an IG account, you won't be able to speak to the artist and order something directly that way, so there's no point in looking without the account really??? If you are limiting yourself to artists with websites or something

Texas and Goo can make heady versions of their rigs or other variants, there are a ton of options so it depends what you want exactly

On the Sherlock Shredder, is there a major difference in function from the hollow foot to the non?

Mostly difference in how much water it will hold, more water in the bottom wider on the sides... So it will chug more with the same four slit shredder perk (You could get it with her fully slitted shower head perk though)

really like this rig! Saw some function videos of it spinning the water so nicely... Low volume and shouldn't be a hassle to clean. I sold my one recycler, but this Funkler recycler of yours makes me wanna try them again.

His vortexes are strong because he pinches the bottom of the drain forcing the cyclone regardless of the funnel style (some of them are nicely refined though, which means it has more of a turn on the top of the funnel) but the water volume is not that low? Hollow base holds a lot and you fill the water pretty high...

What kind of diffusion this one has?

They use three hole percs (nice size holes, pretty ideal imo)

Is 18mm version worth trying? Would 18mm be better with 2 upstream tubes?

I've never seen him make one in 18 mm, I think he's done larger bongs in that size perhaps? You could always ask for a custom... He's made some that have two uptake tubes, although the style is different, personally I'm not such a fan of two uptake tubes in general I prefer single uptake... Two limits the airflow regardless in my experience so I only have one left that I hardly use like that (big Biao)

Also saw, there are Funklers like that without hollow base, just a hook attached to a stand...like a wine glass. It's even less volume, but makes me a little scared of breakage...

Yes, those are the pocket funklers, although if they have a base they are not pocketable, I posted that XL one here that I'm still tempted by haha Yes those do hold less volume which is part of the appeal, although could be a little more at risk, more fragile in a sense, although his glasswork is really good and really thick high quality!


(zombie) Woof.
I would ask her if she can do whatever art you'd like on it--it's a great pipe and she's great to work with. @Bologna just posted this bitchin' one in contoured glass.

Dawww, you're too kind! but unfortunately she's a bit of a Frankenstein now after a miscommunication resulted w/a replacement "Ball" joint for the maria'd original after the 14mm intake broke seating a banger rather gently...

Any and all talk here about any and all of my rigs would first have to be approved by only @Grass Yes as I do not want to waste my time and effort posting what I'm sure would be considered to be wildly off topic and summarily deleted... :brow:

Perhaps we take this discussion to a safer, much less scrutinized place such as the cheap bub thread...? I'd be more than happy to help you there.
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