Gear HE Carb Cap method


Stuck in Dab Coma
Anyone tried using a carb cap?

Well for anyone interested in maximizing not only the flavor but also the longevity of their medicine should absolutely invest the $35 it costs for Highly Educated's Carb Cap.

For those unfamiliar its a metal cap that sits over the top of a domeless nail that has a small hole bored in the side for air flow. Traditionally this cap was intended for electric nails, or was meant to be placed on the nail after the nail was heated to ensure even heating.

But, I have come across a new extremely efficient method of using the carb cap. I take A normal sized dab and place it in the nail while it's cool, then I place the cap on top and heat the nail with the cap on until smoke starts to come out of the hole on the cap. At that point you can hit it untill you get blue in the face, you can draw as long as you want, and then heat it for another second, and continue to hit it,three, four times, all from one dab. One dab can be used to smoke up three people, it's unbelievable.

Anyone out there with a cap give this method a try, since your vaping at the lowest temp and never over burning, the flavor is intense, and the reclaim very nice, almost like reg oil.


Well-Known Member
Carb caps are awesome. I don't have one myself but I've used my friends setup a decent bit. What we do is heat the nail to about 85% (by that I mean the middle hollow piece and edges of the outer ring are starting to glow orange; 100% would have the whole nail glowing). After that we wait ~35 seconds and then dab and cap it ( 1 dab/person).

Finger method as @SD_haze mentioned works very well also.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I'd be interested in, uh, more home-brew methods for achieving this... HE Carb Caps are backordered for months... super hard to get... in fact, anyone know any other manufactuerers of something similar... or, like I said, a way to mcgeyver it? I think I could balance the head of an indentical nail, upside down, on my normal nail... hhhhmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
can we get some video of this? 3 people hitting 1 dab seems like exageration...

The Sublimator is kinda like a covered domeless nail, and it is true there a smaller dab will do me, so maybe you got something....

If there is a way to McGuiver it ...I will think of it
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Stuck in Dab Coma
can we get some video of this? 3 people hitting 1 dab seems like exageration...
Its 6:30 in the morning this sounds the perfect way to start my day. I'll even keep the tv rolling in the background so you'll know it isn't stopped and restarted ever.

As for something else working, it would be hard to throw something together, because your heating you will want grade 2 Ti.
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for the vid / demo

...I take A normal sized dab and place it in the nail while it's cool, then I place the cap on ...

Uh... that's a "normal" sized dab?!?! That thing was huge! It didn't seem too far off from either of our avatars actually... in any case, yeah, I could see where a dab that size could sizzle for 4+ puffs.

Still cool shit though, and I do bet it's hella tasty... seems like an easier-than-most method to getting a low temp dab, well, several low temp "dabs" :p


Stuck in Dab Coma
With this method do you think its necessary to season the carb cap?

I didn't but I don't see how it could harm it , it would probably hit like a champion the next go around afterwards, it has a large interior surface area as compared to the Ti domeless.


Active Member
Could you season it and see if theres a difference? Has anyone else tried this?


Well-Known Member
I would like to point out that the Arizer Solo oil bowl, which is basically useless with the solo, happens to work as a carb cap very well:worms::spliff:
IM talking about this bowl

EDit I have seen HE carbcaps that look like they get seasoned from use, the cap is cooler than the nail. and so the oil condences


Stuck in Dab Coma
Like I thought it just made the next hit extreme lol, heating it this way makes everything heat evenly and therefore run uniformly away from the heat, the resin build up in my peice is almost like reg oil again especially in the way that it's solidly clumping back together down the stem and showerhead.


With this method do you think its necessary to season the carb cap?

No. Why would you need to season a surface that your are not directly placing your concentrate onto?

I would like to point out that the Arizer Solo oil bowl, which is basically useless with the solo, happens to work as a carb cap very well:worms::spliff:
IM talking about this bowl

EDit I have seen HE carbcaps that look like they get seasoned from use, the cap is cooler than the nail. and so the oil condences

THIS! I have been doing this for a few weeks now. Works PERFECT with my K.O. Domeless, plus I have three of these fucking useless things. Plus it's glass so you get to watch the vapor cyclone around and you know when it's all done vaping.

Maybe I can resell these as carb caps and charge $20? Seems to work for task..


Well-Known Member
Got one the other day, loving it. used the technique above of heating with the carb cap on, and now although it looks a bit funny from overheating, well worth getting 2-3 dabs out of what was normally one, amazing flavor out of meh oil


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if the He carb cap will work on an Omni nail or vapenwiser?

Def want to get one just don't want to shell out 55 bucks and it not work on it.
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Well-Known Member
it will work, however i don't know if it will fit perfectly,
but it will create a cover that traps the heat in with the oil. so in that aspect it should work.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the video. Anyone know if there is a carb cap that will fit a dab essentials domeless 14mm ?

Since I been using the Sublimator for dabs I noticed they have gotten a lot smaller and now taste better, the Sublimator is covered kind of like a carb cab so I wonder if I getting the same benefit, since it's covered?


Well-Known Member
Im pretty excited to order a carb cap now. Really hope it the HE fits well with the omni nail/vapenwiser.
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Well-Known Member
The way I was informed to use a carb cap is heat your nail to the standard dabbing temperature (just when it starts to become red stop) then wait 30-45 seconds (this time can vary depending on your environment and what you like). Drop your dab on your nail trying to spread it out as much as possible (while pulling on your piece lightly) and cap it as soon as you finish dropping the dab.
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