Hey guys, I just wanted to say I stumbled across this thread while doing information about carb caps/low temp dabs. My buddy was telling me about how on a low temp dab, you dab it in, and you don't get much vapor, and then once you cap it, it plumes up? He tried showing me with my equipment, but it kind of failed to work.
What I notice though, and I tend to dab at a higher temp but not too high, is that I get a big hit of vapor, and then once I cap it, it almost milks it double? I can see it filling up much thicker with vapor whenever I cap it, but I haven't really been able to get the whole "poof" aspect if that makes sense; can't seem to find the sweet spot between it being too cool and too hot (IE: My dab melts into a puddle, or it just fries instantly) and I don't have the concentrates for tooo much trial and error so I tend to just do it my way, heat up decently, let cool 10 secish, dab, cap, as I know it works, just don't think I'd consider it low temp.
But I was very intrigued by this, load a dab on the cold nail, and cap, and then heat. Figured I'd HAVE to be able to have a low temp dab success this way. And by golly, it does work! A great tasting pretty thick first hit. A huge milky 2nd hit. usually get like 3-4 more pulls of varying thickness. And I get high as a kite.
And I use considerably less concentrate

great technique, appreciate the knowledge. My nail I just cleaned too prior to using, had it iso soaking for a bit. I can say that there is very minimal residue (IE: nothing) left over using this tech as well

One happy camper! Cheers!