Hello everyone! I am super excited to let you all know that my status and posting ability will somewhat change on FC! Why you ask?
Take a look at my avatar and profile. I have accepted a position with Haze Industries as their Sales Manager. I will be focusing on wholesale business to business sales but of course I will continue to be active on this thread and answer all the questions I can.
If you have read this thread from the beginning you already know that I was an early adopter of the Haze. I actually believe I was the first one to post about purchasing it. However I AM NOT a shill! I have acquired a lot of vaporizers since then and enjoy many others outside of the Haze.
What did happen throughout this process is I established a strong relationship with the Haze team. I gathered and provided a lot of feedback for them to improve the unit. I got to understand and appreciate how they do business and I realized this was a place I wanted to be.
During this time I was also going through a lot in my job. I won't get into a lot of details but let's just say I became dissatisfied with the greedy/finger pointing environment who says they care about people but have a funny way of showing it. I was the senior manager in my facility but I quickly became to fall guy for everything that was wrong there. So in the end things just didn't work out.
The unfortunate thing was I moved my family around a lot for these people. I made a move from Michigan (where I am originally from) to the Georgia (suburbs of Atlanta) to Illinois (suburbs of Chicago) all in the span of one year. When I lived in Atlanta (Specifically Suwanee) I never knew about Haze but come to find out they were setting up shop in Alpharetta which only 30 minutes from where I lived. Damn I wish I would have gotten to know these folks then. It might have saved me a lot of moving around.
Fast forward to now....I kinda knew I wanted to do something different and was interested in a job in this growing industry so I took some time to travel down to Georgia to get to know the Haze team face to face. We quickly realized it was a pretty good match. For me this is perfect. I get a job doing something I WANT to do. I get to work for some extremely caring and stand up people but I also get to move my family back to sunny GA where the cost of living is low and the weather is nice! We actually purchased a home in Suwanee which is the town we grew to love in the short year we were there. For them they get someone who is passionate about the Haze and the industry as a whole. I also have a lot of skills and leadership that can help a growing business so that was good too.
So for me this has been a dream come true and it honestly feels like it was meant to be how it all worked out. I cannot contain my excitement to get going here! I am looking forward to growing the Haze brand and starting a fresh life in Georgia with my family. Wish me luck and thanks to all the FC members supporting Haze. There is a lot in the hopper there so stay tuned for what's coming. I think you are all going to be impressed like I was when I heard some of the plans. But please don't ask me because I am not at liberty to discuss.