I am thinking of purchasing the blue haze. What accessories are absolutely necessary? I am thinking extra cans (because my primary use will be with concentrates). Any other suggestions. Vape Dr Convinced me in his video
I have the blue. Its beautiful. If you cant get stealth black, then get the blue. Its also pretty stealth because of how dark the blue they chose. They should change the name to Stealth Blue.
Yes @scottg402 suggested for me to use the
cans. I see why, I only used mine a couple times, but the cans are definitely the way to go. Less clean up. Having already prepared cans mean Pretty much a plug and play scenario.
So get cans, more tweezers, and water attachtment, extra batteries maybe and i think you're good to go.
Shout out to @scottg402, @Vape Dr. , and @NickDlow . Scott was all the info on the Haze, Vape dr, was the visual on how it operates, and Nick showed videos with water which pretty much finished out the second guessing and help me make the right choice. Thanks fellas!
HAZE customer service is amazing. You'll see.
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