For me the question was whether or not the convection screen gets hot because of the hot air or because it touches the oven (or an electrical current goes through it). According to you it's because it touches the oven. I don't have a Haze so I'm curious about it.
It could be (and probably is) a little of everything

, convection, conduction and radiation.
Its strange but i don't think I've seen an undressed haze yet? So maybe there is an electrical current but even if there is i think the oven itself would transfer enough heat to the screen without it (the current) having to pass through the oven to the screen.
@Haze Vaporizers could help to clear this up? I'm sure they will be reading this at some point
In an Arizer air or solo, it seems the herb can touch the metalic (SS?) oven at the bottom. If not the glass touch the oven and probably can heat herb with conduction (like burgers in a fry pan). Although I think you can avoid most of the conduction by keeping the herb off the bottom but not all of it (to be verified).
It can touch the oven but most users try and find ways around this (myself included) not so much to keep more convection but to keep the oven clean and herb from getting inside the unit through the air holes in the oven. You are right about this helping with convection but it will only be for the first few hits due to the glass temp as you mentioned, this is why lots say that the first few hits taste great as it leans more on the convection (hot air passing over herb) side of the scale until the glass heats up and takes away from the convection, most vapes will work this way due to
having to drawing air through herbs thats why most are classed as hybrids IMO
Of course, same thing with the MFLB even if there's an electrical current going through the screen!! You can touch the screen with no electrical shock, but there's still an electrical current going through it!! This electrical current is what is heating up the mflb screen.
I have a MFLB (although its in a cupboard somewhere i think

not really sure where it is to be honest) and I'm sure there is more going on in the haze than just shorting the battery.
Maybe this is where my "i know a lot about nothing, but nothing about a lot" comes into play

i just figured my wet finger would act the same as sticking your tongue on a square battery

(its a slow day and my brain may not be upto speed yet)
What you're talking about is more like on-demand convection. But if the herb sits in an air oven for a long time, it will still produce true convection vapors. The herb will vaporize only because of the hot air surrounding it (like chicken in an oven).
My mistake i assumed all true convection vapes were on-demand to a point.
And I'm sure even in a convection (fan) oven there is still radiation and even a little conduction going on like with lots of vapes.
Interesting question

but i think we need someone that has pulled their haze apart or haze themselves to answer 100%, just thought i would give my

or random ramblings
This for me is the great thing about FC, it starts with questions, then opinions then sooner or later everything gets worked out and everybody learns something

happy times.