So I have been with my new unit for about a week now and I figured I would drop some feedback.....
First off let's talk about the new door design because I think this is the most significant improvement.
Here is a pic of the OG vs. the V2......
The unit on the left is my OG. You will notice it has the silicone seal that goes over the two chambers which keeps the seal over the bowl and keeps the door from melting off. On the V2 the silicone is still there but there is a stainless cover over it. This helps in a couple ways:
*Durability- check out the old one and the marks on there from the can. This was only going to get worse.
*Taste- This in theory but I honestly don't notice any difference.
*Cleaning- No matter what you did you were not going to take care of that discoloration on the old one with a wipe down. You can with the new one.
*Heat up time- This is the biggie! I usually start on temperature level 3 so I timed from cold to there. I placed a can in each with my standard .25 g of fresh herb. The old unit took 2 minutes 13 seconds to heat up. The new unit took only 58 seconds! Once it got there it didn't seem any different but the heat up time was a bit of a gripe of mine when using the herb in the can method. Now it's competitive with a lot of other vapes in this class so I am real happy about that!
Other items that were improved that I will comment on now:
*They applied a fix into the unit to reduce glass mouthpiece stickiness. Not so much in my experience. This isn't a deal breaker but I am again resistant to use the glass for fear it will get stuck in there or break off inside or even break the unit like my OG. I think there is more work to be done here and they can make these minor tweaks on the fly. Keep after this one please
@Haze Vaporizers
*They also applied a fix for o-ring issue. No problems here.....
*The main door snap's shut even better. As I stated before this is true but the solution still leaves me a bit unsatisfied. I would like them to keep working on this and battery latch. The battery latch will keep the battery in there on it's own but if you bump it the wrong way the door could open and your battery could fly out. The main door has double the snapping power but the lack of confirmation that the single snap suffered from is just multiplied by two now.
Even with these minor gripes I still thrilled with the new model and am pleased they keep looking for ways to improve it. I can look past some of these cosmetic wishes because I know its a versatile solid performer.
Here are a few more items that
@Vape Dr. and I were discussing and shared with Haze already. I am now putting it out here to see what how important these things would be for other users.
*I already mentioned the stealth black unit but I would also like a stealth black mouthpiece to go with it. No silver or glass. A nice black anodized mouthpiece would be great!
*Temp settings- Sorry but I am going to

one more time in hopes that others will comment and express their support on this one.......Haze has already said they wouldn't add temp settings until the next gen comes around. But this doesn't mean they can't change the four they have right? As Vape Dr. said how many people are really using the first setting? I would like see that be the bottom somewhere around 355. Next level around 370. Next level around 390 and the last one 400+ for wax.
*Charging- This is a next gen one for sure but I would love to have the ability to charge the battery in the unit or externally.
*Battery Checker- I would like to see some way to check the battery before a flashing red and it's dead.
*Sell the silicone can lids separately. Depending on how you clean them they could lose some form. They also get lost real easy. Right
@ean ? LOL. Why not sell these separately so if you ruin/damage yours you don't have to poney up the cash for the whole can to replace them.
What else would you like guys?
In the end they could keep it as is and I would be happy. That said the new heatup time is a huge step in the right direction so I am excited to see what's next!