I have smoked bowls, bongs,blunts and joints for over 10 years and loved loved & enjoyed the taste of greens. But after just one day of smoking out of a Flowermate Vaporizer, I suddenly hated the taste, smell and even thought of combustion. It was almost like I tasted the chemicals in the lighter along with all the nastiness of the combustion of the herbs. The smell and the taste of herbs combusted even amazing smelling greens has now become a burnt almost charred horrible taste along with all the nasty stuff and taste from the lighter. I will never smoke anything but a vaporizer again. Even if I wanted to smoke anything else, I cannot get that nasty horrible burnt combustion taste or smell out of my head or mouth. Has anyone else experienced this? I mean after just one day of vaporizing, is it crazy to think this way? My friend says I am stupid and it is all in my head but I honestly don't care because why wouldn't I want to smoke the healthiest way possible, am I wrong? Again has anyone else felt like this after just one day?