I just found a program called ted (Torrent Episode Downloader).

You just program in the shows you like, and it automagically finds torrents for each new episode as it becomes available.
It even auto-starts the torrent in utorrent for me.
Here's what I've been watching recently (that's airing now)
30 Rock
South Park
Game of thrones (haven't watched it yet, but have all 3 episodes ready and waiting in hd)
The walking dead
And on my list of highly awaited returns:
Breaking bad
Sons of anarchy
And that's just my short list...
Ive got almost 2tb of tv shows stored away on harddrives now...

(and I've got almost the same amount of movies)
I was recently watching the comedy channel on a friends cable tv, and with the exception of the daily show/Colbert report, I had every show that showed up over the course of 12 hours haha.
(t-dub, one of my favorite lines from Wilfred was "come on, let's get high... So we can go home and get high."
