ABV, I read your suggestion and that's how I did the first hit of the day. even though the DBV was ready and willing to serve me. I heated and spun that Gnome till there was yellow flame all around, took a big old rip off the bong and WOW! I may have gone a tad far on the heat but I didn't quite combust, just a little blackened at the top. I got a huge start of the day kind of hit. I'm sure i can get it right the next time! Lemme check... YUP! No black, just a dark golden brown. Now I'm going to have trouble replying to OTA, should've done that first.

~ DOH!
OhTheAgony said:
I don't get why FCers seem to think that is a lot of money for a solid torch when they have for 100s if not 1000's of dollars worth of vaporizers & glassware and spend that kind of money on weed at least weekly, but I've heard the Honest is of good quality too.
What kinda bubblers are you considering Cluffy? I've been wanting a nice one for ages but most of them are so expensive. I really don't want to pay much more then 100 - 150 for a piece of breakable glass, but my taste is so much more expensive... I've been looking around for local glassblowers hoping one of them can copy a Ion Matrix for me for cheap, haha. No luck yet though. I probably end up with a cheap Black Leaf or Weedstar bubbler eventually.
I think you solved your own mystery there OTA. Some folks have no problem spending $500 or more on a glass piece but you want to spend 100 - 150. Same deal with a torch, I just want something to get the job done well, but I don't want to invest more than I have to. I'm in no financial shape right now for either, I'm just looking for a cheap bubbler, and I want to be able to use it for an ash catcher on my little bong.
This one I like:
6-arm , but I need 14mm and the guy doesn't have the right adapter. Then there's THIS one:
8-arm , but I would like to get a sherlock mouthpiece with it and dude doesn't have those either. I want to get the bubbler and mouthpiece at the same place. I'm gonna email the guy when I have enough money to spend, or I might just get a 7th Floor set-up:
7th floor bubs ,
they come with the sherlock mouthpiece, some 7th floor hose and a GG whip adapter. Plus 7th Floor has been very, very good to me. I'm not doing anything till the rent and all bills are paid next week.
Whoa, here we are talking glass on the Gnome thread... it happens on all the vape threads. It's ok as long as we don't linger too long on it, right? Back on topic, I'm digging the Gnome very much. It's not the easiest vape to use, but once you get it, it's actually a lot of fun. I told my buddy that there's gonna be some stoners with burned fingers out there. I've touched that heat exchanger a couple times after using the Gnome but caught myself before actually grabbing it, no burns yet!! A few more times and I'll be conditioned to avoid touching that section!!!

I also set it on a plastic tablecloth, melted a little plastic to the Gnome but it came right off.
@Gnome: I was thinking that another little bump on the heat exchanger tube might make a little stand to keep the hot part of the heat exchanger tube off the table. Does that make sense to you?
LOL, I forget who said this in the chat, but I gotta share. "Why is it that every time a new vape comes out some stoner comes up with a dozen ways he thinks it could be improved?"
Happy Weekend workers!!! I'll be joining you soon!!!