Mike does great work and he is FAST. I have received everything I have ordered, from the time I contact him to the time I receive is under a week.
Really diggin this set-up jambandphan. I love the versatility of this piece and you are showing how it's done.
A couple thoughts this morning.
Would a diffused downstem actually contribute to the act of diffusion? I tried the one that came with mine but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
All glass, you can combust and then clean it, anything else, and that burnt flavor is likely to dominate any good taste the vapor has IMO. It's a little hard to explain, once you go strictly vape for a while and learn to appreciate the taste, you won't like the taste of smoke so much, or if you do, you probably won't want to taint your piece with it. It's a different experience all together vaping. You are essentially doing "dabs" right off the bud. You get flavors your taste buds might have never imagined because burning it changes the taste so much. You will also have a different experience with the delivery of the canabanoids. It is more of a gentle high at first, that you ease into over about 10-20 mins. You can rip through a vape bowl, feel some of the effects right away, but after you've gone a few hits, sit back and let it kick in for a bit to see how strong it will be. It's a different ride, and low temp vaping will give you more thc headie high and higher temp vaping will give you more of the body buzz/head as it releases more canabanoids at higher temps, closer to that "stoned" feeling rather than just high. If you use a piece that is "stained" with combusting odor, it will not effect the high of vaping so much, but it might effect the taste/aroma effect, and quality of your vaping experience. I hope this helps.
I feel bad for all interested parties outside the US, but I'm not offering one for sale. I already have a buyer and if for some reason he wasn't interested, I doubt I'd obtain a 2nd unit. Offering or asking in the threads is selling or soliciting, and is likely to collect an official warning. Your post, strictly speaking, is a rules violation. If you want to ask a US buyer to help you out, use PM, not a post.
There's nothing preventing Canadians (or anyone outside the lower 48) from arranging a 'buy and ship' transaction with a US member, as a favor. And anyone is also welcome to buy an extra to sell in the Classifed section, to someone across the border/pond. The Classifieds are not meant to be used for profit taking though, so any extra $ added to Sam's price should only be there for the extra shipping cost.
I'm sorry but your hostile response was totally uncalled for. You were the one who mentioned selling it in the first place. I only offered to "take it off your hands". In no way is that an offer to buy or sell. I thought you might be donating it. I believe this response is an abuse of your power as a moderator and I do not appreciate being bullied in this way. You owe me an apology or I will report YOU to a moderator, as I believe this response is a contravention of the rules.
I only offered to "take it off your hands". In no way is that an offer to buy or sell. I thought you might be donating it.
Not only were you soliciting in a thread (yes, offering to take one off my hands is asking to buy)-clearly against the rules, but I was also clearly stating that if my friend didn't choose to buy, I would likely pass on buying a 2nd one. And if you'd made your offer in a PM, there would have been no rules violation at all.I'm sorry but your hostile response was totally uncalled for. You were the one who mentioned selling it in the first place. I only offered to "take it off your hands". In no way is that an offer to buy or sell. I thought you might be donating it. I believe this response is an abuse of your power as a moderator and I do not appreciate being bullied in this way. You owe me an apology or I will report YOU to a moderator, as I believe this response is a contravention of the rules.
What do you guys recommend ordering the standard 18mm or the 14mm low pro?
Doesn't seem to do too much, but it does decrease drag and adds a few more bubbles
I think it makes it so you don't have to lift as much water.just wondering how it would decrease drag. Seems like adding another stage of diffusion within an existing point of diffusion would increase drag.![]()
I think it makes it so you don't have to lift as much water.
Awesome pictures Tweak! Thanks! Could anyone who has this piece, tell me the length inside the 'showerhead down-tube?' I'm curious if a certain downstem that I have will fit in there.
Edit* added pics
My down stem is 4 and 7/8" long, from the top of its male GONG joint, or 3 and 7/8" from the bottom of it's male GONG joint.
The downstem I am using in mine is exactly the same length as yours looks to be.
Just compared with/without
I'm still not quite getting the point of the downstem...
It looks to me like the bottom of the downstem doesn't come below the top of the slits in the showerhead.
Wouldn't that mean that once your hit is started, the water level will drop to approx the top of the slits, and the downstem would be sitting in air.
Especially with the diffusion slits on that style of downstem, that makes the exit point of the vapor even higher...
If you had a downstem (with a lower sitting vapor outlet, like non-diffused or showerhead) that almost touched the bottom of the fixed showerhead, I could imagine that actually sitting in some water and percing, but I just can't see it with the pics I've seen.
I've tried my good downstems (alex k & sov) in my möbius bubs, and really didnt notice any difference than just using a 14-18 reducer...