Dude, who you foolin? You got plenty of jack.
You know, if the damn Feds pull their heads out of their ass, I'll have a nice chunk right for Christmas. I'd like to light up some eyes (yes, mine included) this year. Honestly, I've had some incredible luck and been blessed with very genuine people, that we just "get each other". We could have 180 degree world/social views... but no one really cares. I think both recognize that something in the other person, that genuine part and knowing this is someone that shares when times are good, or bad.
I know your comment was meant in slight jest, it must seem like I'm loaded lately, with just a treasure trove of goodies, but that's why I felt obligated to recognize those people, like Lev, Alan, Allison and Ray with SSFG, the MFLB family, Linus at VB.
Those are just the people I've dealt with. I see the same acts of kindness for others. In fact, I think that's what draws a lot of the "regulars" to this board". Its a collection of those type people.
Reality is, we're scraping to get by. But, I'm a weak man when it comes to things like $400 bubblers for $150. I'll forego some meds or something else, to get a slice of that.
(you should have known you'd get a wordy response)