So it's coming up to a fortnight now with the Ghost MV1 Stealth Edition - straight from the USA!
My initial thoughts thus far,
This machine is finicky and this issue is accentuated by the fact that I am Storz and Bickel to the core.

Anyway, that aside, I have to say that in terms of functionality, the MV1 with the phone App works well, but sometimes your phone ain't nearby! The controls aren't difficult to get the hang of, its just that when its compared to The Mighty on a just out of the box basis, it kinda is, - it's convoluted in comparison, but not a problem once you get used to it - indeed I rarely use the phone App to alter the settings unless it's for the favorite temperature settings. Also one thing what I think is mandatory is the fast charger, which is sold as an extra! WTF!! Again, this comes as standard with The Mighty!! WTF!
The finicky part I find, is the (loading of the bowl and then) inserting into the Crucible, the first few times were irritating, to say the least, esp when stoned! However, I found that treating it as a learning curve is the way forward, it gets easier with repetition. You also need to get into the habit of holding down the top when pulling out the inhaler tube to ensure you don't dislodge the top - creating an air gap! Again compared to The Mighty this is finicky, don't get me wrong, some people (OCD types) love that stuff, all the ritual needed to get it right, I ain't one of them and you don't get that with the Mighty.
As for the bowl yeah 0.1gm is about max, and I found that I initially get two entirely flavorsome-hits then two flavorsome but strong hits, then two just strong clouds, from about 6 hits, in total and it can be hit and miss for the clouds. I find that to get the best extraction in terms of flavor and then potency - in that order - you have to toggle through the various temp-settings, including the two favorites, which in my case is set at 210c and 220c respectively. The other thing I found is, its kinda finicky to stir compared to Mighty - which incidentally holds up to 0.3gm and you can get about 12 hits, and they are mostly cloudy!
There is also a difference in that The Ghost MV1 is not a session vape like The Mighty, but here's the thing, thus far, I have shown nothing but love to The Mighty when comparing the two until - And I never ever thought I would typing this - because up til now I never thought it possible, but I have to confess the vapor of quality of the MV1 Ghost eclipses The Mighty, impossible but true!

But, I need to qualify this, The Mighty at the end of a session will leave you just as stoned - if not more, than the MV1 Ghost! However, on a hit for hit basis, The MV1 Ghost is clearly nicer tasting and more potent than The Mighty! One thing about The MV1 Ghost here that is worth noting, is that when you are not inhaling, it doesn't heat up your herb, whereas The Mighty does, which is contrbuting to a waste of herb, and also a worse taste! and therein the one weakness of The Mighty is exposed i.e. The Mighty is a Conduction/Convection vape, whereas The MV1 Ghost is a purely convection vape and the difference in quality of the two systems really does show!
On my scale of reckoning, which I'll express in Star Trek terms for ease of comprehension, My opinion is based on the Warp Speed Analogy, i.e. The higher the warp-speed the more excellent the vapor!
So if using this as the example; and bearing in mind that Warp 10 is unachievable, and only something on the lines of a plug-in sublimator can get to Warp 9.9! Then when it comes to taste, smell, potency and overall quality, including the strength of the strain used, I found The MV1 can actually go to Warp 9.6 -9.7 which is outstanding, especially considering that the 0.1gm in the bowl can leave you as stoned as a full bowl -0.3gm from The Mighty which I find to be not only outstanding, but also jaw-dropping and all said and done, is the only point of vaping!

The Mighty can get to about Warp 9 maybe 9.2 and that is it's maximum, I have to say that there is a clear and noticeable difference in quality in favor of The Ghost MV1 when based on the sweetest hit vs the sweetest hit, but it's still early days, very early days.
Not saying

, Just saying

, Without saying
Pure Peaced