Well-Known Member
Say what you will against the Grasshopper: no stirring required.he says that any all-convection vape will need at least some stirring
Say what you will against the Grasshopper: no stirring required.he says that any all-convection vape will need at least some stirring
The GH is full convection, no stirI just watched vape critic's follow-up review (the long one), in which he tries to clarify things. one thing he said was that it's not always necessary, and people might not bother, but if you want full extraction, you do have to stir the crucible at some point mid-way. he says that any all-convection vape will need at least some stirring, due to the fact that the hot air finds pathways through material in the crucible/bowl/chamber, inevitably missing some spots. this makes sense to me, but also makes wonder if this isn't why S&B haven't come out with an all-convection portable. I guess I'm spoiled by the ease of use of the mighty: not fussy about grind, simple to use, even-color ABV every time - and no stirring.
it sounds like the MV1 will be less fussy than the FF2, as far as stirring and grind, but if the vape critic's right, it isn't 'stir-free' - and no all-convection portable will ever be. too bad - if true.
Am I the only one who is feeling some red flags from this device? At first I was excited for it also.
Red flags went up during the first delay and the "reviews" by VC.
I worked closely with the makers of this new XS model after helping them identify the areas that could be improved, and they did a really good job implementing the things we talked about. I now honestly feel that this is one of the best portable vaporizers under $200 that I own (currently $180).
agreed. vc is compromised, kinda like Walt in breaking bad.I knew that I would never visit the Vapecritic's site again when I read this there:
That is already some time ago and I just went back there to copy & paste the text here. It was obvious, latest from that point, that he is just another "bought" influencer. His hype around the Ghost MV-1 (just read that stuff on his website minutes ago) is ridiculous. Bye, bye, VapeCritic. I appreciated your site before that sellout started.
Item will ship out next week as per vape critic, also it's now a 5 year warranty instead of 2 if the app is downloaded. Also first 1000 sales get a free fast charger and the next 1000 sales get the charger half off..
So which of your brave souls plan on taking a jump on this?
I don't care for them either. An appliance should be self-contained and able to operate and function fully without my fucking iphone having to be in the act.Fuckapps
Not to be a negative Nancy, but please...no freaking apps.
I hate this trend.
I just wish the company would draw incentives elsewhere for using the app, I get that they wanna harvest info from people.
the mighty is only a two year warranty from what i'm reading?
Allow us to fully data mine you, or receive a 60% reduction in the warranty length as a penalty. Oh, and people without smartphones can get fucked either way.
Seems like a reasonable business model...
if the MV1 turns out to have a serious design flaw that only becomes apparent with prolonged use (how long did it take for the crafty's issues to come up?), Ghost might not even be around in 5 years.