Getting a little bit of herb across the border in to Canada from the US?

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Intellectual Badass
I'm fairly certain that this kind of question is allowed and that it hasn't been asked before.
Now, I'm not saying I want to bring a pound, just like a dimebag or even a nickelbag.
I am going to be crossing the border over the summer, with some of my family. We're going to a kind of nature retreat place. The problem is, I have friends in Canada, but I don't know if they have any contacts in Canada that I could pick some up. I want to bring my vaporizer and just sit in the woods contemplating life and the universe.

The only problem is, I don't know how tough the Canadian border is. I don't want to get caught, especially with all my family in the car. I've been across the border before, but I'm afraid of the car getting searched or something. Generally, I know that the Canadian border is pretty relaxed. However, I'm just not totally positive. I would keep it in an air-tight container and most likely in one of the stow-away places. On the way back in to the US, I would have cleaned my vaporizer and not bring any herb back. If I have any left, I would leave it in Canada.

Does anyone have anything they could tell me about this?
Thank you all for anything you could tell me.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Is there any way you can contact your friends in canada before you go and see if they can hook you up once you're there?

I'm sorry I don't have helpful any info for ya, I just wanted to urge you to be REALLY, REALLY careful if you do try...
We don't want to see another FC member in trouble with the law over such an innocent herb :(
Frederick McGuire,
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it's not worth it imo. :( don't risk it! just grab in canada or don't do it. sorry but that's what i think.
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Don't be fooled into thinking that the Canadian border patrol is "relaxed" because it's "only Canada." You'll be in serious shit if you get caught, just like anywhere else. My car was stopped, pulled aside and thoroughly searched just because I was guilty of having four college-aged dudes in the car - no drugs, no alcohol, nobody high/drunk, no funny business - they just didn't like the look of us.

EDIT: This reminds me of the "border patrol" heading into Bonnaroo (big American music festival for the uninitiated). They glance in your car on the way in to check for any "illegal materials" (when in fact they know that most everyone is bringing at least mj, and only really care that you don't bring in glass bottles).

My 3rd or 4th year going, security guard stops us at the gate, looks around and says "you guys are all set - wait, actually, could you get out of the car sir?" looking at me of course. I get out, a little freaked and confused as to why I'm about to get my person searched. Dude finally can't keep a straight face anymore, says "just kidding" and gives me a high five before telling me to enjoy my weekend.


i'd be really careful if you do this. getting caught means 3 weeks from the day it happens you are gonna have to come back to Canada and go to court in the district where it went down. then you will have to go back again later, it's a huge pain in the ass.

not to mention with the family being there. then again maybe you would be over looked cause it's the family.

I got busted and my family disowned me. i wouldn't risk it.

If you are going to do this airtight containers all the way. plastic Tupperware is NOT airtight enough imo. think glass mason jars or better. something with seals is a good place to start.


Well-Known Member
personally I wouldn't want to risk it, would it be possible to send some by mail to one of your canadian contacts, then pick it up from them? (if I understand correctly you can only be held responsible if you open the package, so if they don't open it you should be able to get away with it)

also for some tips you could watch those documentaries of barry cooper(if you don't know him, it's an ex-DEA agent who made 2 documentaries on how to not get busted)

ofcourse you can be lucky, I've been to rome, with a plane from germany to rome. everyone had made sure to not bring any weed by accident, right before checking in on the airport we checked again and one friend found an empty baggie in his pockets, wich he threw away in a garbage can on the airport.
then when we are a few days in rome, he discovers another empty baggie(with trichomes stuck to the sides) in his wallet, so we were lucky he wasn't caught with it.
we also had another thing security missed btw, one friend had a pocketknife somewhere in her bag wich she had forgotten about, only on the way back security picked it out and it got confiscated. so on the way there on the plane she had a pocketknife in her handbaggage, without knowing it.
so the security from germany to italy was probably not so strict.


Revolting Peasant
A little like djonko's experience, a friend of mine had been given some bud instead of change when busking whilst travelling around Australia, and she didn't smoke so she left it in her fiddle case thinking to give it to me when our paths next crossed. Not being a smoker she completely forgot until back in the UK when she found it again still in said fiddle case, but after having travelled though some fearsome middle eastern country on the way back where her head or hand would probably have been chopped off if it had been found. It doesn't bear thinking about.

In answer to the OP, what what in the butt? ;) It's a pretty safe, if uncomfortable solution for a small amount of buds. Don't think I could do it though. A nice torpedo shaped package of soft, pliable hash...maybe!

If I'm in need of smuggling a small bit of percy nowadays I quite fancy the idea of a couple of grams of BHO wrapped in cling film in my mouth, just like a crack dealer! No smell, and the slightest sign of any issue I can swallow down the hatch- a light cover of cling film isn't going to withstand my fierce digestion- it's not like a full on knotted condom- so the evidence will be gone. Is this a stupid idea? Do customs look out for people who seem to be sucking sweets?


Don't attempt this. I lived in Buffalo in the seventies as a college student and my friends and I used to drive to Toronto once in a while to go record shopping or swimming in a Canadian lake called "Crystal Beach." At the border sometimes we were just waved to proceed but not always. One time our car was put on a lift and every aspect - every nook and cranny of the car - was searched. I know we were signaled out because we had long hair, etc. We weren't carrying, there was nothing to find, and I could see how the inspectors were disgruntled that they wasted their energy on us. The point is, this was in the more relaxed late seventies. Just ask your friends to do you a favor and seek something out in anticipation of your arrival.
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vapor accessory addict
While I admit it hasn't happened recently (I was much younger), I've had the back seat of my car ripped out by the Canadian border patrol. In the last few years, I've noticed that the cars they pull over are more often and somewhat random. I wouldn't count on being with your family to keep you safe.

IMO, you are crazy to attempt it. Since 9/11, the borders have gotten much tougher. Man up and take a t-break. This wouldn't only affect you. Sure it would be wonderful to be able to sit out in nature, vape and enjoy, but is it really worth the risk to you and your family?
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Just as a humorous aside, in 1988 my friend and I were in a band and we had an album released in England. We flew there - actually from Germany, our first stop, and we were to be staying with a family by the last name of "Porteous" in Hythe - sort of like a small fishing village near Southampton. Anyway when we got off the plane from Germany to England we were stopped by officials and fully searched. No doubt we were signaled out because of the way we looked - sunglasses, leather jackets, smoking cigarettes, etc. Anyway our luggage was fully scrutinized and we were questioned - "did you smoke any good marijuana while in Germany?" We were wise asses. "No it sucked." At one point my friend's deodorant stick package was taken apart and examined, then reassembled and put back in the suitcase. My friend then took the deodorant from the suitcase, and then in front of the inspector and in the busy airport, he took of his shirt, lifted up his arms, and started applying the deodorant. The inspector said, "What the hell are you doing?" My friend said with a mock British accent, "I'm freshening up for the Porteous's."


Intellectual Badass
Ahh, I've let this thread go for too long. I forgot to come back and reply.

I've made the decision to not try anything, even though it would be sweet as fuck, it's just not worth it. Thank you all for the information and stories.


Glass Blower
Ahh, I've let this thread go for too long. I forgot to come back and reply.

I've made the decision to not try anything, even though it would be sweet as fuck, it's just not worth it. Thank you all for the information and stories.

just bring earwax homie, smuggle that shit in your ears! :D

but no all seriousness, DONT! :) like others said we dont need another member in trouble with the law.
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