Bob Loblaw
if ur gonna use this type of cart. go w/D9, my two cents
Sorry I am new to this stuff. What is a D9? Thanksif ur gonna use this type of cart. go w/D9, my two cents
sorry, they pioneered this style of hash oil cart. gentlemen's basically ripped them off w/ an inferior product. go check out the omicron or persei thread. both dedicated to D9. if this is the style of cart you are looking for ('specially while waiting for cera) you should get urs from D9 or much better quality and care. my two centsSorry I am new to this stuff. What is a D9? Thanks
Sorry I am new to this stuff. What is a D9? Thanks
sorry, they pioneered this style of hash oil cart. gentlemen's basically ripped them off w/ an inferior product. go check out the omicron or persei thread. both dedicated to D9. if this is the style of cart you are looking for ('specially while waiting for cera) you should get urs from D9 or much better quality and care. my two cents
Gentleman's has the worst customer service I have experienced so far. I opened a support ticket on Monday and still haven't heard back from them.
Gentleman's has the worst customer service I have experienced so far. I opened a support ticket on Monday and still haven't heard back from them.
This is an advertisement. Check this out: recently purchased a Ambassador Kit V2 from Gentleman's Brand Vaporizer, check the link out at,, I love this product, is their any better one, would love to know, if not I am going to buy one more.
Hahaha I'm sure they got peeps in all threads "monitoring"
How ironic, they're sure not acting like a gentleman.
Hey guys, first post here over at FC!
So, I (hastily) ordered a g pen the other day and am already regretting my purchase even though it hasn't shipped yet, as i've heard nothing but bad things about these re-labeled ecigs. Is the gentleman double agent also one of these e-cigs or is it a pretty good choice? Really I'd just like something for under like $160...
I'm looking to vaporize shatters, waxs, and glycerine tinctures.
Wow everyone here has had really negative experiences with gentleman's, I am truly surprised as my experience is totally different.
I have had Delta9 products and I didn't like the wick system so I decided to start looking for something else. I bought a ego c with a vaped glass globe thinking it didn't have a wick and IMO the glass globe combusts and on top of that it has a wick which i was disappointed with.
I got a gentleman's hash oil V2 cart a few days ago from a friend that ordered a 3 pack. screwed it into my ego-c and I have finally found what I am looking for. It's the most clean tasting and easy cart I have ever use. And although I haven't measured the temp of the coil, I believe it is vaping and not combusting the oil, well atleast compared to the vaped glass globe/omicron carts(especially the glass globe).
My problem with omi carts is the oil would end up tasting like nasty reclaim after .2-.4gs of oil, like I would get this plasticy reclaim horrible taste and it kept happening to me (i went through atleast 7 omi carts). The glass globe - straight combustion all i have to say. But this thing never looses its taste, and it's WICKLESS. Idk why everyone doesn't like these maybe I have had a better experience or something but gentleman's has the best cart on the market IMO. I don't plan on using the batteries but I really recommend people to try these carts if you are looking for a clean tasting, easy loading experience in a pen.
The wick is in the center of the coil that the ceramic surrounds. Its def NOT wickless. It eats up wax. and they dont QC the product, so, go buy a box of 5 and tell me how many of those 5 actually work...
They DO work, and ARE a temporary solution for a session or maybe 2, but dassit.
there are better alternatives.
There is definitely not a wick in the V2. All there is is a nichrome heating wire that is coiled up. Get your facts straight..
I believe I must have a box of mislabeled carts then
I hope everyone has great experiences with everyone, im not trying to badmouth. I just have had the worst luck with every purchase from them. I DO have carts that are also labeled V.2 that look like they do not have a wick. I'll make sure I use those since I thought I had thrown all of the other carts w/fiberglass wick out...
My problem with omi carts is the oil would end up tasting like nasty reclaim after .2-.4gs of oil, like I would get this plasticy reclaim horrible taste and it kept happening to me (i went through atleast 7 omi carts).
Indeed? I can understand how that would sour a guy....however I suggest that's not the normal experience? With a few exceptions I run many grams typically and dump the cart from poor production, not out and out failure or bad taste. I assume you're not using 2.4s and/or are pushing it?
For myself, I've had some good results with these guys (as well as a few others) but also issues like J2T. I find the Revolution/DART system vastly superior in the 'holds a small bit of oil or wax' category. No wicks (if that's a disqualifier, not so IMO), decidedly clean taste and can be easily and completely cleaned. Unfortunately they're out of production.....but I got mine so I'm set since it's basically a 'one time only' buy.
Of the perhaps dozen 'pens' of various types I've got set up are two 'smallest possible' rigs made up of 350 mAh 'Ego pens', one with a DART and the other with a GV (since it's the shortest cart available). The 'battery' is shorter on that one as well, so it's a bit under four inches (3/4 inch shorter than the other). To match that (not quite) I have to remove the 'DART tip' and filter assembly which is I think an excellent feature worth keeping.
Four inches is really pretty small, it's in danger of turning sideways in typical pockets....
A fun toy, and somewhat useful, but not one I really recommend to new users?