Bob Loblaw
personally, their batteries are just ecig batts that can be found elsewhere by a company not making knockoff carts, but as i've said enough to this effect that it is the bulk of the thread, i'll just leave it at that. imo
Their cartridges, however, are just knockoffs of the Delta9 1st edition carts(no EC volt. rating on side) as they do not last as long as the new Delta9 carts with the writing on side. It saddens me when goodcompanies get bashed...
why bash?... They are top notch. Why is it that every time somebody speaks up positively about Gentleman's, somebody feels the need to bash(D9 crowd Im looking directly at you), as if a precious sale will be lost
Seems to me whenever anyone around here speaks positively about Gentlemen's, they are relatively new users, who do little else than tout the products of Gentlemen's and Gentlemen's alone. I doubt I'm the only one to notice the correlation; which is probably why everyone is so down on them. Did I answer your question?
First of all i must say sorry for not using a period, i dropped some water on my keyboard and i was being lazy not using on screen keyboard. I am mmj patient but no they only sent zero nic cherry, I use it to mix with my homemade tincture. I love the quality of their products. I am new to the vape pen world. My first pen was a ego-t. The battery was great but i am a tank and oil cartridge man. All in all i love the quality.Was the juice they mailed you medicated? I know they have mailed some to other members of this forum.
OF, no comment on this amazing sentence?
First of all i must say sorry for not using a period,
I love the quality of their products. I am new to the vape pen world. My first pen was a ego-t. The battery was great but i am a tank and oil cartridge man. All in all i love the quality.
I have 4 of these, I ordered two, they sent 4. I believe one type is for 3.7V? the other 3.7+? IDK because I killed my first not knowing..
They hit really well, but they leak like nobody's businessI keep them at home now to avoid the high heat of my car during San Diego afternoons, which cause the leaks.
In a funny turn of events I ordered a couple to try just today. Getting four makes sense, they come in pairs. The two types are to allow for one of their pens which doesn't have the power to drive the normal ones, the Ambassador version (1.8 Ohms) should produce more vapor than the 2.4 Ohm version, that's the one I ordered a pair of to try. They are all intended for 3.7 Volts (or more likely 3.3).
Thanks for the heads up on leaking, I sort of expected it given the construction. I expected good production, but short life? And I expect it to be slow when loaded heavy?
Soon I'll know...I hope.
Thanks for the info.
since i am so new and i made the oil from ABV... i do not know if it was the cart, the oil, or just me. so i can not, and will not lay any blame on anything.... i am going to sit back and gather some more ABV and when i do... make some more oil and TRY a different cart. so i will be watching this thread and the other one to see how the comparisons go.
Their longevity is fine, I was just firing it up dry thinking it was 2.4Ohm, it popped.. duh, noob lesson I learned last year with the Omicron cartsI shoulda known better. I use a single 3.0V now to prime it up.
I also had problems that stemmed from overloading it.. The coil is at the bottom, great improvement over the Gpen placement, but easily gets completely submerged by oil, thus creating vape bubbles that can burst onto the mouthpeice if not drawn slowly...
i'm glad that some of you have had good experiences with this company, but so far mine has been TERRIBLE. i ordered a set of 5 carts sometime before Dec 15. On Dec 15 i sent them a "support request" to find out about my tracking info since they never provided me with one. They responded by saying that First Class mail doesnt have tracking info and that it would arrive within 14 days of shipping. Cool. Still have not received anything. Have been sending them "support requests" for a while now and none of them have been answered. The oldest one that has never been answered was 13 days ago. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY.
Based on their wonderfully laid out website with great videos and awesome looking products i never would have guessed that the customer service would suck so much.
Ok , All 3 v2 hash atomizers have showed up. 2 DAYS FROM sf CA. So far Gentlemen Vape has been solid.
Yes 510 be interested in hearing how they preform?? they are 510 threaded right??
someone said the Gentleman's are "hogs" meaning i think someone said they put in like .7 in and in one or two hits it was gone. any truth to that??
(i may be off on the numbers but i am too lazy right now to look)
i envy your success!!Ok , All 3 v2 hash atomizers have showed up. 2 DAYS FROM sf CA. So far Gentlemen Vape has been solid.
I have been getting good vaping from 0.2 to 0.1 seems to last for the day. (for me) A 0.7 hit would be huge. GentelmenVape doesn't recommend anything more than 0.04 per load. As VapeStL said, the clouds are not gigantic. But I just hit it a few more times. I am a low key smoker. Huge clouds would be to conspicuous for me.someone said the Gentleman's are "hogs" meaning i think someone said they put in like .7 in and in one or two hits it was gone. any truth to that??
(i may be off on the numbers but i am too lazy right now to look)