Hey guys my apologies for the delayed update!
As of today we've invited the first 40 people on the waiting list to order, I had to slow down to sending out 5 invites per day because these vapes are taking me a lot longer to build than I had hoped.
Right now I'm building the whole vape from start to finish, so to speed things up I'm going to consider letting other people assemble certain components to help me (who I trust and are experienced).
Like the RDA connector and wire, that's a part I might try and get some help with assembly, but the actual G43 heater I will always assemble and test personally.
The feedback so far looks good, everybody is happy with the performance and strength but a few people had issues with their mods and/or RDA connector. We worked these out and now everyone who has the G43 is rockin and rollin.
I'll keep you posted on the progress as we ship more units out and figure out how to speed this up.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask,
Thanks dudes!
Would a heating coil encapsuled in glass (SiO2 or not) work well too?
I haven't experimented with this yet but I really should!
For the G43 how do titanium beads with perform?
The current design with the coil on the inside unfortunately won't work with metal beads but this would be interesting to try.
I know you were aiming for a "no stir needed" vape
@VCBud and express your dissatisfaction when needing to stir with some other vapes... what happened ? how far /close to no stirring does the g43 go without the good ol' stir ?
Correct, No-Stir is the goal, but this one aint it. The portable version that I'm working on next will be No-Stir
I had to go to 16w to get the same clouds as in the videos posted earlier. What’s the max on wattage we can run?
Yowza! I typically vape between 11-12watts depending on the strain and how much I load. You really shouldn't ever have to go over 12-13watts with bud, the flavor will suffer if the coil is hotter than it needs to be!
Any issue using the G43 inverted?
None except for the heat now rising up into the herb chamber instead of up and out of the slide, so if you leave it sitting for a while the bud could vape itself a little bit, but if you don't let it sit you'll be gravy.
Anybody burnt themself with the G43 yet?
Also is there any hazard having the G43 powered on all day? (obviously would have to swap the batteries)
Yes, me lol. Nothing really bad though, just a few light finger brushes against the middle of the heater when being careless, I'm calling them "G Bites"