fuck being a parent... everyone always judging you... telling you how to raise your kids. its hard to be a parent these days when dfs can be called on you for spanking in public. or when the school has programs still in effect to encourage children to rat out their parents for cannabis. or when the school sends police to your door because your teen is making up stories at school... kids lie these days and children in school tend to learn alot of bad habits and get terrible ideas from peers and peer pressure... or when people tell you your kids not very well disciplined and says you should be worried about being a parent and not a friend.... well I guess when you have kids and they have issues like autism or birth defects.... well... It's better to be a disciplinary parent rather than a friend right? fuck being a parent....
@farscaper - couldn't agree more.
As much as I hate to reference Bill Cosby....one of his comedy routines summed it up for me and how I view raising kids including my own....
It went something like this:
- They told me so and so is a really great father because he spends time with his child, pays his child support on time and makes sure his child knows that he/she is loved....ain't that what a father is supposed to do? Why does doing what he is supposed to do make him a great father?!
In keeping with the thread....Fuck Bill Cosby! I suggest you drug him first though.
Fuck you (sarcasm) for bringing this up, because now I'm feeling what you're saying. Political correctness, the nanny state and social media have made it a real clusterfuck for families today. Too many people think there's "one true way" to parent, and appoint themselves as some kind of authority to correct everyone who doesn't agree. Fuck you to any of us who forget we're not in that family, seeing them 24 hours a day, so how can we possibly judge? Sure, why not break up the few families that are trying their best. Let the government and Facebook decide what's best for everyone. FUCK>>>>>
Edit: And there's nothing creepier than these parents who try to be their kid's friend. Fuck you and act your age! You're not 16, mom, and you don't look it. Set an example!
Fuck the phrase "kids will be kids"...