One other thing that I think must be stated. If one is REALLY honest about it all, I have to state that it is also fucking fun when people turn around and notice the car that you're driving. Some will even give you a

. Major ego boost.
And no, I don't see anything wrong in enjoying an ego boost now and again. It's really no different than a lady who makes herself up really nice, works out to have a really nice body, and wears really nice, styling' clothes and shoes. When people notice her, does she get an ego boost out of it? Sure she does. Do I condemn her for doing so? Absolutely not. There's absolutely nothing wrong in feeling really good about yourself and there are many ways to help accomplish that.
Should it aways be tied into how others view you? Nope..........but it sure as hell helps.
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with having a healthy ego (a persons sense of self-esteem), and getting that boosted every once in awhile is just as fun as driving a very fast car or bike at 150+. (well..........not quite, but you get the idea, eh?)
What I abhor though is when someone will boost their ego at someone else's expense. That is fucked up and those egotistical assholes should be called out on public.