Fuck you !!!


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Fuck You!!!!! Most, not all of Washington State Legislature for getting rid of existing Medical Dispensaries. It looks like greed and dollar signs have ruined our medical here in WA. A big Fuck You too to Governor Jay Inslee for not vetoing this shitty bill.

Today I was able to go to a Medical Cannabis Farmers Market and buy my medicine for 1/3 the cost of what I will have to pay at the state stores.m
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Well-Known Member
i had $140 in my car yesterday which was going towards medicine for myself. Stopped by a friends house then got gas ,ran some errands and went home. As I was getting ready to leave I checked to make sure te money was there and it was gone :(
Months of pain relief and medication GONE. Now I have to make due with what I have and once that runs out it's going to be hell.
I'm inclined to believe someone stole it because I know it was inmy car the whole time. So this is a big fuck you to whoever took it. Time to go run and blow some steam off.


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
...maybe it's just because I grew up in 'Jersey way back when...but I NEVER leave anything in my car that I might want to actually hold on to.

...first car I ever owned was taken on a Sunday morning right in front of my fucking house...yeah...that was 'Jersey too...FUCK 'JERSEY!

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Herbal Alchemist
Definitely fucks thieves. I hate thieves, especially the ones that call you friend. :disgust:

Also, a big fat fuck you to UTI's! I have had a constant UTI since before April 6th. I've actually lost track of exactly how long it's been now. I hope I don't have to drink a lot of water for the bladder ultrasound. I'll never be able to do it. :(

Slow Draw McGraw

Well-Known Member
Company Rep
Speaking of thieves....

F**k theiving companies using every line of communication to try to control you and steal time away from you when you are "off". This is mine and my family's time. You are stealing from them more than anyone. When you change my mood with your condescending emails/texts. When you take me away from them mentally. When you take me away from them physically. When you ruin days that my wife has made wonderful. When you made my dads death worse.

F**K You

phone calls

You don't own my life. Quit trying to manipulate me on my own time. Its gets old on the clock so its not any better when im not getting paid.

Johnny Paycheck said it best.

HD Springer

Well-Known Member
Fuck you Pain medication.I know I'm addicted to pain pills.Like seriously addicted.If I dont have my "legal drugs" I get flu like symptoms and my whole body hurts on top of my 3 bulging discs.When my state finally wakes up to the TRUTH about mj and the real truth about all the heroin addicts they are creating it will be too late for many.
My Dr. did a random drug test on me and I came clean about my use of mj.He asked me what was my resons for using and I told him the truth.His "legal" drugs makes me sick and I have no appetite and I cant sleep at night. His first response was to try and prescribe more meds.I said thanks but no thanks.All he said was its not legal here and that was that.
Get your shit together America.All the "LEGAL DRUG PUSHERS" AKA Big pharmacies Need to be stopped from getting more people legally hooked on heroin.Because thats what it really is.Synthetic Heroin.We need to call a spade a spade..


Well-Known Member
fuck identity theft... fuck thieves in general.... to many things have been taken away from me recently and im quite fucking sick of it.... then to top it all off... ice my muther fucking cake... I cant take it no moe'... fraudulent charges from faux sprint on my debit card today... fuck you fuck you fuck you.

fuck you:horse:



Herbal Alchemist
Fuck you Pain medication.I know I'm addicted to pain pills.Like seriously addicted.If I dont have my "legal drugs" I get flu like symptoms and my whole body hurts on top of my 3 bulging discs.When my state finally wakes up to the TRUTH about mj and the real truth about all the heroin addicts they are creating it will be too late for many.
My Dr. did a random drug test on me and I came clean about my use of mj.He asked me what was my resons for using and I told him the truth.His "legal" drugs makes me sick and I have no appetite and I cant sleep at night. His first response was to try and prescribe more meds.I said thanks but no thanks.All he said was its not legal here and that was that.
Get your shit together America.All the "LEGAL DRUG PUSHERS" AKA Big pharmacies Need to be stopped from getting more people legally hooked on heroin.Because thats what it really is.Synthetic Heroin.We need to call a spade a spade..


Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
The biggest point I can hit on pain meds, is avoid at all cost use minimal as possible.
Just went through open heart surgery I know pain. I have pains in my back & rib's can't even try to paint a picture.
I cut out all pain meds week and a half after surgery. I was sick of not being able to shit...
And countless other problems that you are opening the door for.
Fuck pain meds
Fuck big pharma
Fuck Dr's who fix with a prescription pad,be a fucking Dr...

Sometimes it's easier to be uncomfortable than the alternative...
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Putin is a War Criminal
The MJ part IS getting fixed. It is a LONG time coming for many of us but it is almost here. I can taste it. I never thought it would happen in my lifetime. Now I do, but STILL not fast enough.
The problem with doctors and drug companies pushing their "legal heroin"; that will probably never stop. There is too much money in it. The drug companies spend a lot of $$ trying to keep MJ illegal, but they are finally losing, thank god.


Well-Known Member
Man, lots of FUs since I checked in yesterday!

But I'm all in with the biggest of FUs to Big Pharma. Since around 5 yrs. ago I've learned not to give a grain of salt to the messages received from traditional family drs. They look at a computer screen, which spits out info generated by "studies" (all of which are funded by Big Pharma) and they prescribe drugs (many of them toxic) based on the results of those studies. What if you've heard about an alternative treatment? "It's anecdotal; there are no studies to prove that." No sh*t? That's cause no one has paid to do a study!!! And that's because they're already making a drug that supposedly "works" for that and they're making millions off it.

The pain killers. I had some work done. Wanted to get some pks for having gone through it and to get me over a day or two of discomfort. It was over a week before the dr. and the pharmacy got on the same page about the proper way to prescribe it and to submit the prescription (fortunately for me I had a couple of leftovers sitting around). So: some drugs (which have made Big Pharma mighty rich) are proving to be very effective but are also now causing problems due to their addictive qualities. What to do? Make rules that make it a real pain in the a** to get it, if not downright impossible. Result? People who really need those drugs suffer. I'm not a pain patient. And thank God. My thoughts are out there for those of you who suffer not only from the pain but also from the consequences of hypocritical and corrupt politicians and drug companies.

Regarding decriminalization? Jeez. 35 yrs. ago I almost got kicked out of my parents' home because I brought a High Times into the house with a big cover on decriminalization. 35 yrs. ago! Excuse me for being negative, but granted the opportunity to show some enlightenment and be progressive, US lawmakers fail just about every time, especially at the federal level. So let me add fuck them to the list.


well-worn member
(many of them toxic)
You betcha, fuck damn near all of them actually. Even antibiotics are poison. In fact, anything that's anti-anything (biotic, fungal etc), or inhibits anything (ssri uptake), any blockers, modifiers, antagonists, the list goes on they're all fucking poison. At least with opioids you can get a buzz as you disconnect your pain receptors if you take 'em on an empty stomach. I say, quit being a slave to the substance and just stop if it's a problem. I know it's easier said than done, but a week of hell is nothing compared to the rest of your life.

I would also say that mj is the only intoxicant that is non-toxic, unless you count certain psychedelics.

I use real codeine once a day, in its weakest form. In fact if I was in a neighboring country it's available over the counter. I consider the acetaminophen portion of this medication (tylenol #3) much more of a long-term issue than the opiate portion. I rarely take more than one a day, even when I am really hurting I only up my dose by half a tablet because I know how physical dependance works. Luckily I am in one of the enlightened states, so I can keep my addictive "prescribed poison" usage legally in check with mmj.

FUCK unenlightened state governments!
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Putin is a War Criminal

Colorado GOP blocks successful birth-control program
05/01/15 11:14 AM

Colorado launched a health initiative a few years ago with a specific target: reducing teen-birth rates. To that end, Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) implemented a program that provided tens of thousands of contraceptive devices at low or no cost.
The results were amazing: teen-birth rates dropped 40% in just five years. This week, the state even won an award from the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, celebrating Colorado’s success story.
Ironically, the award came the same week Colorado Republicans chose to scrap the effective policy.
Republicans on a Colorado Senate committee Wednesday killed an effort to set aside money for a birth-control program that provides intrauterine devices, or IUDs, to low-income, young women. […]
The legislation would have provided $5 million to expand the Colorado Family Planning Initiative program that health officials say lowered the teen birth rate in Colorado by an impressive 40 percent.

Edit Added: How crazy is that? I mean really. Find something that works to solve a really important and devastating problem (for society, and for the mothers) and kill it for purely ideological reasons. What has happened to us? Fuck THEM!
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well-worn member
Fuck you county assessor. How can you increase our assessed home value by 30% in 1 year? Talk about a property tax windfall for the county!
Fuck! That! just happened to everybody around here, my land portion just went up by more than that. Coincidentally, we're taking a huge hit because of the drop in oil prices, so those pricks come after us.
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