That would work but my wife has some "religious tendancies" so it would not go over well with her. lol.. These guys actually opened up the front door and entered the laundry room to knock on the interior door... I will just say I bet they are glad I've mellowed out some in recent years...glowing LED Pentagram
Fuck every adult who looked at this and said nothing . . .
FU to the bible thumpers that knocked on my door last night at 8:56pm. I live in the mountains on a dead end road to get away from that shit. I need a good dog. /rant
Yeah, cuz What the Total FUCK is up with that!! Shit... that's some of the worst possible "advice" I've ever seen!Having been a bullying victim this response is nothing new. There just seems to be a very large group of adults that thinks enabling bullying is ok. This flier, recently handed out to elementary school kids, reflects this problem with society. I assume things are this way because bullying actually works, or worked, very well as a behavior for many of these folks and it gets carried forward into adulthood where it becomes part of the system.
Fuck every adult who looked at this and said nothing . . .
Sounds like that School District needs to get another Superintendent or that school needs a new principal. If the community was pissed enough that principal could get fired. I know the school district in the area where I live take bullying very seriously. The handout booklet that they give families look nothing like that. That looks like something from the 50s or 60s. That handout looked very irresponsable.It was written by an "educator" at an elementary school. It passed muster with every single adult that looked at it and was distributed to students. Parents got so upset when they saw it that the school had to take down their FB page because of the backlash, however, representatives of the school seemed puzzled by the reaction.
Fuck that and fuck anyone who wants to knock on my door uninvited. In the past I sent a few Mormons packing by opening the front door completely naked. Seems more civilized than cursing them outFU to the bible thumpers that knocked on my door last night at 8:56pm. I live in the mountains on a dead end road to get away from that shit. I need a good dog. /rant
Fuck that and fuck anyone who wants to knock on my door uninvited. In the past I sent a few Mormons packing by opening the front door completely naked. Seems more civilized than cursing them out![]()
I really hate hearing stories like that especially about people I like.I have never talked about this on FC before but it seems like now is the time. The thing that made my bullying case extreme was that I was at boarding school, stuck in a dormitory 24/7 with children mainly from Saudi Arabia and Columbia, although there was one Nigerian prince. The Saudi kids were oil brats and the Columbian kids were drug cartel. They naturally did what they saw their parents doing and formed gangs in the dorm. My first roommate was the son of the Turkish ambassador to Cuba. I wondered why he stuttered until I met his father. He had a wicked backhand and used it liberally. They also picked on my next roommate a lot, a fat little Jewish boy, who is now a slum lord in NY.
I also had a problem with the day students that was started by the dorm crowd. One particularly evil tormentor of mine was the captain of the football team. He and his goon squad would lay in wait for me after school to beat me up. The coach would never do anything about it and told me not to be sore loser and a tattletale.
Anyways, my point is, I complained to the adults and they ALL did nothing. Absolutely nothing. My parents didn't really want to hear about it either. I finally had to run away. I still suffer from PTSD from this ordeal which lasted 3 years.
As a non American I do not understand fraternities in any way. Fuck that. So glad that was not part of my tertiary education.
Will Farrell said:"The incident in Oklahoma, that is a real argument for getting rid of the system altogether, in my opinion, even having been through a fraternity. Because when you break it down, it really is about creating cliques and clubs and being exclusionary. Fraternities were started as academic societies that were supposed to have a philanthropic arm to them. And when it’s governed by those kind of rules, then they’re still beneficial.”.
You DO know how to turn a phrase...Fuck racist fucks!![]()
Not being a joiner, I was never interested in the greeks when I was in school.....
Shit flowing downhill:I've always been a proud member of SAE and I'm deeply troubled by the actions of a few of my (ex)brothers.
Fuck racist fucks!![]()