I here you that is the worst feeling with my new electronics. I never have to endure that misery again.Fuck closed MRI's, and having to sit in one for more than an hour.
I here you that is the worst feeling with my new electronics. I never have to endure that misery again.
I'm sorry u have too .At least we're small imagine being 400lbs .
FC is my Facebook!
FUCK the guy who posted a picture of my sister on Facebook with the caption "somebody give this fuckin mule an apple or something or I'm calling peta"! FUCK HIM!!!! He obviously hasn't looked in the mirror lately, the ugly fucking SON OF A BITCH! He's lucky I don't know where he lives, or he might very well end up with every fucking limb on his body broken!!! You don't fuck with my beautiful, innocent little sister like that! And why, because she refused to sleep with his ugly ass?!?! Anybody with a brain bigger than a fucking pea would say no to that disgusting shit!! FUCK!!!!!!
EDIT: this is why I don't go on Facebook anymore, because of stupid people and stupid shit like that! FC is my Facebook!
^^I know this is wrong .... and two of them don't make a right .... but I'd be sorely tempted to facebook that idiot in return with something like 'Fuck You!...Reach out after you have that much needed penis extension'
That was good advice; I tried it and this is the response I got: "Thank you for taking the time to report something that you feel may violate our Community Standards. Reports like yours are an important part of making Facebook a safe and welcoming environment. We reviewed the share you reported for harassment and found it doesn't violate our Community Standards."If I'm not mistaken, you can also report a post on Facebook as being inappropriate. That's the route I would take.
It was written by an "educator" at an elementary school. It passed muster with every single adult that looked at it and was distributed to students. Parents got so upset when they saw it that the school had to take down their FB page because of the backlash, however, representatives of the school seemed puzzled by the reaction.Who wrote that fucking thing? A bully? Lots of terrible advice there.