Fuck all the assholes that are responsible for the mess we are in today in the world, Fuck oil mongers, Fuck war mongers, Fuck the assholes getting rich off of the sick and suffering, Fuck Private Prisons and corporate owned politicians and big banks funding these slave factories, Fuck the cancer machine, Fuck big pharma, the rehab/drug test industry, and Mc-Walmart, Fuck Monsanto and all the industries that are poisoning us,Fuck homogenizing the world deviating culture, Fuck dumming it down, Fuck all the people holding back useful innovations that let us work together and co-operate with nature, Fuck the bullies with full body riot gear terrorizing people in their homes and businesses, Fuck all the people who have helped keep cannabis suppressed and the knowledge of such a healing plant away from humanity, and you know what else...Fuck it!! I'm gonna vape.