Fuck you !!!


well-worn member
I've my cats have been using one of these for many years; just tilt, tilt back upright, and empty the drawer.


As low as $25 shipped depending on size, and really nothing on it that can break. Fuck that shit.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Proud Icelander right here! We are so chill with homosexuals, i mean, our prime minister is a 70 year old lesbian.

Some Icelandic Fun Facts
-No mosquitoes (FUCK YOU S'QUITOES) :rockon:
-No ants
-no tipping system (room service only expectation)
-population of iceland is less than 400,000 people (Massachusetts alone is 6.6 million, thats about 16 times that of iceland, yet iceland is four times bigger in size)
-the average Icelander is fluent in English, along with speaking Icelandic
-Icelandic language has been virtually unchanged for the past 1000 years
-Icelandic culture fosters a high level of gender equality and civil rights
-One of the happiest countries in the world
-One of the longest living people in the world
-Beer was ILLEGAL until 1989, but vodka, liquor etc was always fair game. :doh:
-Best tap water around :smug:
-Icelanders have the most beautiful women in the world, per capita (because we won Miss World 3 times, which is a lot for such a small nation, and seriously - MILF's everywhere) :brow:
-Icelanders speak on the in-breath sometimes

Okay I'm done derailing the thread now, visit Iceland before you die - or fuck you! :goon:

I'm almost in Iceland (still got mosquitoes here though :LOL:!) ... although not generally at this time of year. I really like the beauty of Northern destinations (and living in the North) ... where it's warmer it's always significantly more populated and developed ... only where its cold can you still see raw nature on any scale IMHO :) ... I'd love to visit Iceland!

I'm ok with it. :mmmm:
Me too ... I love cold pizza ... and if it's sub reclaim scraped out nice and clean then it's bound to be a hell of a good time!! :LOL:
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK .... fuck enormous development platforms with relatively little documentation! FUCK Microsoft! I'd call to get them to help me with my problem, but by the time I get somebody competent on the fucking phone I'll have been able to figure it out myself (I NEED to have this figured out in the next day or so ... if I rely on Microsoft and my pre-paid support incidents that come with my MSDN subscription I should manage to get it resolved before 2014 ... maybe ...)

And fuck them even more because I wasted an entire day figuring out a workaround to a bug (that they acknowledged in May but haven't fixed).

And also fuck mother-nature for flooding my god-damn basement and causing the sewer to back up!!! (I've had to relocate my office to my workshop so I spent a day and a half creating a wireless bridge, installing switches and running cables, and moving my desk and setup ... and now it's been so fucking hot the last couple days I'm sitting here in my underwear working!!!!!!!!)


Oh yeah ... almost forgot ... fuck SHAREPOINT ... I've been dealing with this fucking platform since 2003 and it's got some serious potential but I often wonder if its worth it! (for you developers working in MS platforms ... have you checked out LightSwitch? the current incarnation is fucking amazing ... however, cost of being on the bleeding edge is that when you have a problem you're on your own ...!) ... I'm used to it anyways ... I've NEVER (not once in my 13 year career) have called technical support for a development issue where they've provided me with a solution to my problem before I could solve it on my own ... I've even on occasions stumped them (and their multiple levels of support) that after 3 months, I had a workaround of my own (which I gave them and posted online out of the goodness of my heart :))


Away with the fairies
Fuck you noisy neighbours for leaving your dogs to bark for 3 days solidly! Fuck you for my not sleeping because of the noise! And fuck you for this lousy mood I'm in as a result!!

FUCK YOU ALL!!!!!! :mad:

Ahhh..... that's better! ;)


fuck dont get me started on the dog that lives in the apt above me! I seriously need to put a hit on that annoying little dog, any of you guys agents for hire? I might just settle with a squirt-gun filled with chloroform.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Fuck people and HOA's cause they don't give a fuck if I get flooded cause the penis wanted a wall for his big truck to satisfy his penis envy. Fuck them all for making water drainage issues for me but penises have to stick together. Fuck them all as I will have to ask permission to fix said water issue. Fuck allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll as I live in a world that for some fucked up reason is against me at all turns.


well-worn member
Fuck google for fucking up my playlists and changing picassa. I can' save youtubes to video playlists anymore without enrolling in google plus, wtf, and when I do that, they will fuck up my images in picassa as a free bonus. I don't want to fucking social network on google! FUCK THEM!
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