Fuck me! I was on our exercise bike for a total of 18 seconds this morning before the seat broke off and I went to the ground.
I'm winning any muthafuckin way. I can't lose!
Fuck You Cyrptocurrency and the GPU shortage that still exists. Why can't I get a new monitor and a GPU in the same purchase from flipping Newegg? Bitcoin miners.Some people don't know the scale of hardware you need to invest to even get a return and that hardware fix had to increase to keep up.
Want to make money mining bitcoins? Criminals have you beat | ZDNet
And I have to endure the shortage even 1 year after this phenom broke. Design your own damn hardware to fuel your own damn greed box. I scoured Newegg and elsewhere trying to settle for even a holdover GPU that was at least 1+ spec of my 6 yr old card. Nope too many mouthbreathers are out there have caused a digital tulip mania.
FUCK YOU to the asshole tailgating me today. I HATE it when someone drives up my ass. I have considered getting an LED sign to put in my back window to tell people what I think about them, but with all the packed assholes on the road today I better not...![]()
I feel you, hate it too!
Old time mafia had switches that lights up brakes light on demand (not related to braking)
Fuck assholes who do "brake checks" or have something like you describe. You can kill someone: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/qew-fatal-crash-road-rage-fatal-1.4507917
I hear ya! Not the good kind of sticky.. on the bright side if its a good high you have 50/50 chance it's a female seed , time to buy a small UFO led and grow in a cabinet lol believe or not you can get a 1/4 + in something as small as a computer tower with just light bulbsI cannot say this to my supply, but fuck you for selling me weed with seeds! Yeah there's crystals galore and the stuff smells very strongly, but these are sad looking buds. Not fluffy, not dense, lots of sticks and a seed in the first budette I grabbed. 40 an 8th for this? For shame.
Lol. Fuck you to having to read anything other then FC threads! Haha enjoy school man, wish you flying high grades !It's actually a great high. Strong, happy, talkative, relaxing, and combined with CBD it's heavy as fuck. Strongest couch lock I've had in a long time. Fuck you to all the reading I have to do in college. Don't get me wrong, I love to read. But I do best with one book at a time. I'm not a fast reader. Anyway, I guess it's fuck having to spread my mind over so many topics and once when I'm on my forties. 85% of the brain's growth is done by the age of three. My neuroplasticity is really being challenged. Lol Fuck me.
Finally got time to come round here...
So yes, FUCK YOUAmazon
Don't know how they're still in business with those practices, maybe because its dead cheap but you can very much FUCK OFF AND DIE AMAZON, scamming POS