FU to U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling, who is setting up Massachusetts to be the first battle with dispensaries under the repeal of the Cole memo;
Instead, the prosecutor last week issued a public statement calling marijuana a “dangerous drug”
The quote above was taken from The article. WTF?????????? Why does the U.S.A. keep saying cannibis is an dangerous drug. Whyyyyyyyyyy? Its like speaking to a cavemen spears in hand. Why is some U.S. states archaic in their research and laws. Just don't give cannabis to children no different than alcohol or caffeine.
Why are these attorneys so cannabis challanged? Before speaking they should try at least a CBD strain for the achy arthritis instead of perkoset, tylonal 3, or any other pain meds which can kill you with a good overdose. These anti cannabis lawmakers should at least try the item before speaking against MJ. I am really starting to think its corrupt and these lawmakers are getting a big paycheck from the pharmas for going against Cannabis.
Why is every country in the world waking up to the benifits of Cannabis and some states in the U.S.A is trying to shut it down and treating it worse then fentanoyl.. hmmmmm.. money is involved,
Canada your neighbor legalizing cannabis nation wide, research will eventualy show that canadians are more productive, less sick, more relaxed, and less violent than their U.S. neighbors. eventully MJ will be fully legal accross the U.S.A. in the next decade because pressure and research will finaly hit the pro pharma anti cannabis heads of state.
When will be the day when your doctors says, well you can take about 2 pills of T3 with codeine for pain or 0.5 grams of the over the counter gummy bear CBD Skunk Haze, as needed.
Or your doctors saying "If you are feeling blue" Take 2 0.5 grams of green crack during the day and 0.5 grams of Pink Kush at night. Or u can take this pharma drug that has 20 side effects and about 1000 reported deaths per year.