Ego) Fuck you Trypsy Summers!
Me) Why’s that then?
Ego) Because of your outspoken views that have lead to a ban from FuckCombustion site for the last few days!
Me) Well, what can I say? All that I did was post something which was simply the truth and nothing else, but yet to which someone made an objection. I made a clarification and I thought that I’d ease things over
with an immediate apology, which I thought was the
reasonable thing to do, as you don’t want to upset feelings, do you? To be honest, I wish I hadn’t bothered apologizing now, because the next thing I know! All ‘fucking hell’ broke loose!
Ego) Well that’s exactly the fucking reason why I am saying; Fuck you Trypsy Summers;
Because within this forum, the participants function within a system and what is not needed,
is someone spouting anti-establishment/anti-system nonsense! You ought to be aware, that the vast majority, (99.7%) of people don’t take too kindly to someone telling them that “
the choosing of the lesser of two evils is still a choice to participate in evil!” Trust me when I tell you that you’ll certainly get a straight up ton of Fuck you’s - for that!
The FC community don’t want your “extreme views” on here, because we are a ‘democratically’ run site which happens to conform to the ‘decent values’ of the system that you clearly resent and we don’t need that! The argument's that democracy is not freedom, (whilst technically correct) won’t wash round here, Why? Because Democracy does equal Freedom to the majority of the FC site. Period! But to be fair lets spell out what it is you’re exactly getting at, Free = The state of being free of not being imprisoned or enslaved The lack of a specific constraint or of constraints in general a state of being free, unconstrained. Democracy = Rule by the people, especially as a form of government; either directly or through elected representatives (representative democracy).
Perhaps It would be better all round if you took your stuff to one of those sites that would probably entertain that kind of outlook, somewhere like a Michael Tsarion or David Icke site, or even go to Wake Up, but just get it into your skull, they don’t want that kind of ‘anti system’ rhetoric around here. And another thing, no one gives a toss about the Wetiko, the Archons, the Demiurge or the hidden 1%, or anything like that, because that’s not how we roll! A word of advice, when next you log in, just stick to forums about vaporizers, make a few constructive comments about weed if needs be and maybe post a few ‘likes’ on various sites here and there,
that’s all that you need to do!
And before I forget, no one cares if you think the USA is really a ‘corporate commie’ country that has become totally dominated by corporations that bail out corporations at the drop of a hat, whilst they stomp down on real people! No one needs some ‘overseas guy’ telling them about that kind of stuff! Go and look at what’s happening in the UK! (But then again you don’t care, do you?) Listen up, the people that post on here, regardless of nationality, belong to the democratic of system government, (democracy) and whilst most of them certainly realize that the functions of government falls short of what is considered to be ideal! What they don’t appreciate, is being harangued or lectured about it! Leave people to sleep, Trypsy, because no one likes to be awoken out of a blissful slumber!
This a site where we respect the sensitivities of others, and although you have not posted homophobic, racist or sexist comments. The FC community does not appreciate or tolerate your outspoken and openly anti - authoritarian view! The FC community believes in the moral values of everyday life from the perspective of democracy! The FC community don’t need to hear your theories about hidden esoteric, and/or, occult levels of perception, etc!
Do them all a favour and post your ‘realist stuff’ elsewhere! Oh by the way, if you even think about posting the kind of reply you're thinking of, then they will ban you again or better still just bar you from this site!
Because no one wants any ‘system busters - free floating radicals’ around here, that’s why, as you know (and you have been told already,) you get ‘static’ following you around here!
“Fuck You! Trypsy Summers!” - said that voice!
Me) What! So you’re the moderator now?
Ego) Go and look for that peace that you’re constantly seeking!
Moral of the story;
The tree that can’t bend - rarely survives the storm!
Without saying

, Not saying

, Just saying