Time to put on my tin foil hat and vent.

Well, have things gotten so political and hypersensitive in the US/SC that you literally (Not figuratively, or hyperbole. Fucking Websters' no bullshit Definition of 'Literally.'

To over clarify)
can't take a shit in peace? I prefer having somebody go in there stall, do their business and remember to flush, please.
(Fun Fact -In Indian elections there was a sanitation platform by
one political party.)
Parents bring their kids in their bathroom? Most people don't lose their minds. Men have a urinal code AKA men's urinal etiquette. There is social norms and conduct that have been in place in most regions of the Western world since Roman times. Oh wait I'm forgetting cel phones.
Being in a stall and realizing there is no TP is a bigger issue. Amiright? I'm not suggesting we write laws about that either.

So Fuck politicizing everything.

Fuck politicizing everything like a bunch of fucking amateur radio pundits. Sometimes when you gotta go well for fuck-all sakes Go and don't leave a mess.
Fuck word count - 5 Smile count - 5 Fucks given - 0 Problems solved - 0
Edit - New Fuck word count - 7 People who actually bothered and counted f-bombs and smiles - much greater than 0
Smile count - 6