vapor accessory addict
Fuck you gold digger.....

Fuck whinning neighbors.
Not in the mood to deal with this shit.
Just got a call my cat killed another bird.
He says we have to do something.
He has to fuck off
There fucking cats I should send a bill for all the rats they kill...
Yeah, I hear you chuckling. But not so funny when it's 0 dark thirty and on your way to make the coffee you grab that errant sock in the middle of the floor of the dimly lit dining room only to realize after you pick it up that it's a wing!
My toy Chihuahua says Fuck You. Seriously though, he looks like a fucking rat especially when soaking wet from the rain or bath! I have two big dogs (Coonhound and Choc Lab) but my little guy is probably the coolest. We think he believes our yard is Mexico as he has a habit of digging tunnels under the fence and wandering off just to get deported back by the neighbors. And sure enough, he's fucking ecstatic to get the free ride back to his family!fuck small dogs. Little shits act tough and bark and if you walk up to them they run away. Little rats.
My old cat was a sucker... LOL She used to suck my Huskies teats and try to get milk...