Fuck You to any state that takes your Driver's License info and sells it to scummy businesses for money. Then they send you more snail mail spam. I don't even bring it into the house anymore. In fact I have a special receptacle that I throw them into. Paper that I will never read and back into the recycling bin it goes. I wouldn't even line a parrot cage with it. It might constipate the parrot.

Fuck you to phone solicitors, the forefathers of spam. I have never, ever, ever, fucking ever used any service or bought any bullshit from any phone solicitor. I tell them that word for word.

Yes I am registered on the DO Not Call list and congratulations you are now my target for my anger for the next minute, asshat. If you are a poor simp who needs work and I'm on a landline, I will give you free job search advice. If you are a high pressure salesman. I will tell you that straight up after I get your name from you first.
But If I still have to call their number back and correct that BS. Don't tell me it 'may take 6 months before I am removed.' It's my cel phone that you are calling me scumbag. I used to explain politely this number is for personal emergency use. If I hear a ring, somebody I know is in trouble. Now I just give them what for and tell them, one more call and you are reported 6 months or not.

That gets their attention. If it is a matter when some caller bum rushes me with some blather read from a cue sheet. No, I have to be rude and do a
Seinfeld tactic.

Good Day Sir!! Whew now I feel a little better.