Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


vapor accessory addict
@mvapes I know things will be a bit tender for a while.. so I thought you might need some comfy pants to wear while things are healing up. I found these on QVC and thought of you... they have a real 'up north' feel to them and you can wear them when you visit me at the cottage. :tup:


I heard from @dorkus_molorkus the other day and he's been very busy with his landscaping project. His bunker is finished and he's now put in a pool. Party's at his house! Sure hope you've healed up in time mvapes!



Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Anyone ever wake up one day and realize that they've done nothing with their lives and what everyone says about them is true?

Let's think about something. Wanna hear about a shitheads life?

Not only do I have to deal with health issues for the rest of my life, most likely due to things that I did in the past but I'm surrounded by people who have to constantly remind me of the piece of shit I am and how I fucked them up.

Sometimes I think we'd be better off by ourselves where we can't hurt eachother. Isolated from the shit shrapnel that we give off.

I'm so dissapointed to know that I've had my head up my ass for so long. Life isn't about fucking glass or vapes or even fucking weed. My attention has been so fucking misdirected that I'm embarrassed.

Maybe falling last night and hurting myself is the best thing that ever happened to me.


vapor accessory addict
Anyone ever wake up one day and realize that they've done nothing with their lives and what everyone says about them is true?
Wtf? You can't be serious. :cool:

Hi :D How are all the sickies ;). Just got back from Laguna beach:tup: back to muggy NY:o . Shipped some goodies home to myself that are not readily available here :nod:. So, what did i miss :lol:
Good to have you back Vapors! You've been missed. What kind of goodies? :D


Oil Painter
Have a great day @Enchantre :party:
OMG! That looks JUST LIKE the border collie I used to have... Rocky!

I loved that dog. *sniff... happy tears... sniff*

Ripped an old scar open yesterday (emotionally/psychologically)... this one from when I was about eleven, and has NEVER BEEN VOICED BEFORE. yup, that bad.

so, I'm just about as medicated as a person can be and still be conscious. Hope everyone else is having an amazing day!


Oil Painter
I've begun a Craptastic! journal to help deal with the shitty things therapy is shoveling out.

It's all good. In fact, I think having a craptastic! journal was the best idea yet. Just write down all the Conflicts, Resistance, Anxiety, and Problems, and then watch how the mind works them differently. I got it off a video somewhere.

Within the covers, I'm slinging it. :tup:

anyway, I'm starting to understand the power of poo.


On the Stoop
Well another colonoscopy under my belt ;) 17 more polyps removed for a grand total of 62 in 13 months :lol:. If there's a prize for them, i think i should win :nod:. Don't have to have another one for a year and that's the first thing i asked when i woke up :D.
If anyone needs advice on how to make it less unpleasant -PM me :p
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