Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Oil Painter
She's probably using Ali for weight loss, or something else with fake fat (like Simplesse) in it that causes anal leakage.

I avoid products that have "anal leakage" listed as a side effect.

When I was a youngun', my (step)mom had a medication that would do that... I was with her when she needed to suddenly stop shopping and get home. I helped provide "cover" for her... not fun when you are 10 years old. *sigh*


Well-Known Member
Once again I have been hardworking in the lab on new and exciting products to help humanity.

Upon seeing how stu’s girlfriends generally repel most men on sight, I had a great idea & I got to work in the lab.

I give you the anti rape pants.

They come in 3 sizes.

We have the Nippon which has an ‘anti rape factor of 3 inches.’
Then we have ‘the Joe six-pack’ which is a very average anti rape factor of 6 inches. (5 if its cold outside)

And lastly we have ‘the Dorkinator 3000’, which consists of a pleasing 10 inches of anti rape factor & also boasts of an impressive 8 inches of anti rape girth! (ladies, it also doubles as a baton & a marital aid)

Sorry about the asian commercial but I did ask @Stu to find a chick that would do the ad and like to get paid in ‘dong’. Well upon seeing her I was more than happy to pay her in ‘dong’ if you know what I mean.

Turns out that in Vietnam, ‘dong’ means something totally different to what I had in mind. So now in an ironic twist, @Stu is having to do favours on random asian dongs so he can pay the dong model some dong but not give her the good dong.

Then some fucker rang the doorbell and I forgot which dong belonged to which other dong.

So I gave up and went for the happy ending.

It cost me 50 dong.
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Accessory supplier
Accessory Maker


That's what the invitations said.
Party at @mvapes house...

All the usuals showed up..

Here's a few you might recognize. Lost in transit.



Then there was you now who showing off his love of bacon...

Awesome party next time well get in some fishing...
I told you to delete those photos! Now I'm gonna have to dig into my blackmail file...


vapor accessory addict
So I spoke to @dorkus_molorkus today and he's got me a bit perturbed... :uhoh: He's been talking about this bunker he's made under a concrete slab... and that he's taken to peeking out through the window shades at all hours of the day. He even admitted to the wearing of tin foil on occasion. There was also some talk of a moat and a 7 ft. tall gate at the front of his property.

Then he sent me this pic....


I don't know... do you guys think there's reason for concern? :shrug:


You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...
So I spoke to @dorkus_molorkus today and he's got me a bit perturbed... :uhoh: He's been talking about this bunker he's made under a concrete slab... and that he's taken to peeking out through the window shades at all hours of the day. He even admitted to the wearing of tin foil on occasion. There was also some talk of a moat and a 7 ft. tall gate at the front of his property.

Then he sent me this pic....


I don't know... do you guys think there's reason for concern? :shrug:
His dog has been mimicking him as well, I hear...


Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
So I spoke to @dorkus_molorkus today and he's got me a bit perturbed... :uhoh: He's been talking about this bunker he's made under a concrete slab... and that he's taken to peeking out through the window shades at all hours of the day. He even admitted to the wearing of tin foil on occasion. There was also some talk of a moat and a 7 ft. tall gate at the front of his property.

Then he sent me this pic....


I don't know... do you guys think there's reason for concern? :shrug:
Well with the bunker and these fancy hats at least him and fifi will be alright.


What's with the lightning bolt's?
Maybe he's trying to erase it before they extract his thoughts that could be dangerous ...
If the man got a hold with what's in there the shit would hit the fan.

Alright I figured it out, it took one my Daughter's cartoons to get it.

Tinker Bell's
Never beast has big horns to collect the lightning to save Neverland.
He's trying to save the world.

Imagine that @dorkus_molorkus savoir of the world...
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